*SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWELVE: DECEMBER 1998* ********************************************************************** | .Cluster bombs. | | By -=The Firestarter=- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an extreamly powerful device that is capable of spreading damage over a wide area, because of this mearly running away from it once the fuse lit, will not really get you to a safe distance. Materials: D.I.Y Plastic explosive (see below) Air bomb center or detanator CO2 cartriges Black powder Antenna arial Small pringles tub Lot's of Fuse(s) First we'll make the plastic explosive, it's the same stuff I've detailed in other issues, it's just polystyrene, motor oil and petrol mixed up, just look back an issue or two if your not sure. Adding potassium permanganate will increase the power. Once you've got a nice amount of thick explosive fill the pringles tub, pack it in tight. Now get your black powder and crush it up so it's like talc powder. Fill all of the CO2 cartriges with the powder, take care here as one of these is capable of removing your hand(s). Get your antenna arial and insert the fuses through them, now carefuly push the antenna (and fuse) down into the middle of the CO2 bomb, it should be in such a way that if you lit the fuse the bomb wouldn't explode until it burns down to the bottom, it should also look like there is a small amount of arial sticking out of the top with about two centimeters of fuse poking out of the top of that. Make between 5 and 10 of these CO2 bombs. Push the CO2 bombs into the plastic explosive in the pringles tub, try to get them on the outer side of the tub. The CO2 bombs should be almost fully submerged in the explosive, make sure that the fuse's are pushed into the explosive. Press the detanator or air bomb center into the middle of the explosive. I would recommend using an electical timer or an extreamly long fuse for this. When it explodes it will also ignite the fuse's of the CO2 bombs and throw them in all directions. They will probably go between 1 and 50 meters. Some of them will probably explode in the air, sending shrapnal in all directions.