_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTEEN: JANUARY 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / .Interview with Brakis. \ / By Brakis and -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fs: OK, tring to remember how sensitive this thing is (dictorphone)... Oh shit, erm, basically this is an interview between myself, firestarter and my cousin, Brakis. Cause Brakis is leaveing SWATeam and I want to quiz him and shit like past present and future, and anyother general topics I can come up with. Ok it's 10:55pm, Friday the 1st of 1999. B: My role as SWAT's joint first terminated, 23 hours ago. Fs: So why is it that your leaveing SWAT? B: Basically because I feel that my all of my usefulnes to an extent as a phreaker... Fs: You where going to leave for Darkcyde originally wheren't you? then Darkcyde nearly died. B: Darkcydes still around, But as far as other things go there are other factors, other lifestyle elements that you need to privatise. Fs: I suppose you can't spend all of your life in the underworld. B: Basically you've got to get out sometime. Fs: So how do you think that your skills that you've learned in the underworld will benefit you in later life? B: Well I won't have to worry about paying for a phone call. (lol) It depends how I decided to use them. Fs: I mean what skills have your learned since you joined SWAT, how long ago was it now, 2 or 3 years ago. 3 years ago now. Let's face it, we knew nothing back then. B: Yeah to be perfectly honest, that's true. Fs: Three years down the line... B: Well I'm one of the most respected social engineers in the phreaking circle. Fs: I'll admit, your a very good social engineer. B: I've learned all of the basic stuff and some of the more advanced stuff. Anything to do with phreaking I've tried to learned, that's useful. There's types of lifestlyes that you need to learn in the underworld that kind of change. Fs: That's true, I suppose being a good social engineer is always handy. B: Yeah, certain parts of socity that beurocracy means you've got to take another route, using the skills that you've learned. But what you have to avoid is your lack of morals, in terms of being an anarchist. You've got to decide why and how your doing it. Fs: yeah. How long do you think you'll be in the underworld once you've left SWAT? B: I'll be writing for FAiTH magazine, as well as occationaly for SWAT as well. Fs: Like I said the magazine's... B: Well as you know I am actually a journalist. Fs: Oh yeah, tell the people what your legal line of work is? B: My legal line of work, well at the moment I'm writing for a few local newspapers, and a PC orientated magazine. Fs: No names going to be mentioned? B: Oh no names going to be mentioed at all because then you'll all know who I am. Then I'd have to kill you all, well no I'm not the killing kind. Fs: No your not B: like I said, PC orientated stuff. I'm doing a lot of internet based stuff. Fs: If you need any help with anything net based, let me know, I practically live online . B: Yep I noticed. Mr Naylife. Fs: Hey I've got a life, just... B: It's on the net. Fs: , so when did you first decide that you where going to leave SWAT? B: Well you know, a few months back, the other priorities that I spoke of where starting to mount up, things like, priorities that are outside the underworld. They did start to make themselve plain, and I thought "I can't keep doing this forever". Fs: So that's what speeded up then. B: Yeah, then there's the issue of politics between you and I. Fs: But that's what kept the team going. B: That's what kept the team going to an extent. Fs: You have disagreed on a lot of the stuff I've come up with, and I disagreed with a lot of the stuff you came up with, so we worked out a happy median. B: True. Fs: So it'll just be me in full command B: If SWAT is going to be governed, then it should be governed by a single hand. Fs: So what sorts of articles are you going to do for FAiTH? B: Social engineering ones, hacker ethics. Fs: Given that you not a hacker... B: I am a hacker actually. Fs: Technically speaking, your not a hacker. B: No, in recent months, carrier's. It's hacking. Fs: No sorry, your just not the hacking type. I mean looking at all the hackers I know... B: All two of them. Fs: There's not two of them. B: Yeah I know, just joking. Hey let's go and get more beer, a lot of beers. Fs: Just two hackers? Click... Fs: Ok we're back, right were where we? B: Hackers. Fs: Oh yeah right. B: Ok so fair enough, I'm not as experienced as yourself. Fs: I know that your only joking, but two hackers? B: Yeah I know I slate you a lot of the time, I mean I slate a lot of people, that's just my nature. Fs: Yeah we do slate each other a lot. I'm suprised that we didn't slate each other more last night. B: You weren't able to. Fs: Come on I wasn't that bad, anyway I really enjoyed myself. I sobered up eight hours ago. B: Aye, hacker ethics, one of the articles. Fs: Let me pull up Antisocial magazine's secion on hacker ethics. B: That's a load of bullshit. Fs: It's a good magazine. B: Aye, it's a good magazine. But fair enough, hacker ethics are a load of bullshit. Fs: I don't think that he just made them up on the spot, we can't slate him. B: I know we can't slate him. We can slate whoever came up with them. Fs: Just finding the issue... You just talk about something. B: Ok whoever wrote the hacker ethics, didn't have a clue as far as politics is concerned. I mean they wrote them with good intentions. I'll re-write them. Fs: You'll get slated, but nevertheless. B: I can write them, but people don't have to obide by them. Well that's was the interview, the tapes around 20 minutes long, I just distilled out the interview parts. I might put the whole conversation on the net when I can get my sound card fixed (or get a new one, as I can't get the microphone socket to work).