_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTEEN: JANUARY 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / .Freeserve Conspricy. \ / By -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- One thing that I have noticed is that there seems to be some kind of conspiricy surounding freeserve. I'm sure that a lot of you will use it as your main ISP, since you get a lot for nothing. Now according to Tiny computers, once it's on your computer, you can't remove it. The same was said by a guy who earns 70 grand a year as a computer consultant. Tiny claim that in order to remove freeserve they have had to format hard drives. Now this strikes me as a little strange, you see I have noticed that apart from internet explorer 4 and outlook express (assuming your using the CD in setup everything) it doesn't actually add anything else to your computer. It does however alter a few things in your registary in order for the freeserve logos to be on outlook and explorer (although mine are back to there original encircled A's). So why do Tiny say that it can't be removed? I mean you can't remove somthing if it's not on there. Ok so it does set itself as the default ISP, this can be got around if you install something like MSN or compuserve (they then set themselves as the default). My theory is that large ISP providers that try to rip you off by charging you upto 15 quid a month, are putting pressure on the computer companies to say that freeserve shouldn't be on your system. But which companies? my guess is it's microsoft. They have (or had, I'm not too sure at the moment) a partnership with AOL and compuserve. Now if these companies will lose out on buisness because of free providers like freeserve. So what better way than to bully the PC companies into saying that freeserve is an evil ISP and it shouldn't be put on the computers (well not recommended is there actual words). Trust me, freeserve can be removed, I have removed it from my computer before, it wasn't difficult. The easy way is to install another ISP program, and then uninstall that. If there is still a few problems use regedit and manualy rip freeserve from your computer (takes about five minutes to do). Don't belive the computer companies, there is nothing wrong with freeserve. Make of it what you will.