_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE FOURTEEN: FEBRUARY 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Ultimate retribution \ / By: -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I've decided to write this file on revenge mainly because I only recently realised just how much I really fucked with somebodies mind, and I feel that I should share some of my techniques, ideas and whatever twisted shit I can come up with. Now I know that I can be extreamly evil to people and a lot of the stuff I detail in here I actually did on some guy. If any of you decide to try this out on somebody, don't use a lame excuse like. "They beat me up" or "They gave me a £1000 phone bill" if somebody did that to you then card a load of stuff to there house and kick the shit out of them. The only people that I recommend you pull this on is rapist's and paedophiles (if you know how, it's not hard to find these people, then the fun begins). Well one day I was minding my own business, when I happened to come across a guy who's girlfriend had been raped when she was 15, me being the type of person who doesn't like rapist's all that much offered to help. Well he agreed and gave me the guys name and address. First thing's first, I had to find out a little more about him as it turned out he was engaed, but he wouldn't let his girlfriend out incase she started to fuck somebody else, but at the same time he was screwing some other woman. Well it was about time that his girlfriend found out, and at the same time got this guys other girlfriend into a bit of bother with him, so how could I screw up two relationships? that was an easy one, since I still had my outdial for my interent connection I headed over to www.interflora.com and had a nice bunch of exensive flowers sent to the guys house. One thing to remember is to find out the full name and addresses of all parties involved. Next up it was a general case of carding access to porn sites, using my victims address (also I should point out that the interent account I was using was in the name of my victim). After getting board with the usual porn site stuff I decided to head over to a bondage site and buy some goods, all of which where to be shipped to his house, several butt-plugs and gay videos later I had taken the card I used to it's limit. Tesco home shopping helped out a lot as well. Maybe now was the time to report him to to the police as being a paedophile, this had to be done in a subtle way, having his name and address put on several sites that deal with child porn (all of the sites are no longer around) I reported the sites to verious people, in the hope that they chased up on the people that subscribed. Message boards are good for things like this, a message along the lines of "Home made kiddie fiddler vid's for sale, write to me for a cataloge at " does wonders, of course the message board had to be reported to the police. A few weeks past and I carded more videos to his house as well as spread his name and address about the place. Then while I was looking through a magazine I came across a web site address that sold corpse's, not real corpse's, but like like models. So of course one of them was shipped to the guys house (I would have sent a load of them, but I thought that might have taken the piss a little bit). A follow up to the corpse was the usual catologes and junk mail. A got a quick report on my victim for the guys I was helping out (please bare in mind, the only thing stopping me going round to my victims house and beating the living shit of him, is that he lives fucking miles away). Well the guy had lost his job and had various signs put up around his house, stuff like "Alarm fitted" and "Beware of the dog", god knows what happened to his girlfriend(s). Using a verity of web sites, I was able to have skips sent to his house as well as insurance people, what couldn't be arranged over the internet was done with a few phone calls and fax messages. Well now it was time to run up a few bills of his, so Doh-Boy had a charge card billed to his house (we didn't have any simple way of getting free calls and Red Boxing is too much hassle if your lazy and with a charge card, my victim paid for our phone calls). So armed with the charge card number we called all manner of places and almost every country on the face of the earth, as well as wardialling places like the Bahama's and an 0891 scan (calling freeserve's customer support and ASKING to be put on hold for an hour works as well). We had killed the card (and probably his credit rating in the process). So what did he have left? well not much, no girlfriend, no job, no money, he was getting hassled 24/7 by people (auto glass, fraud squad etc), and he didn't have much left to live for. I know that I couldn't cause him as much menter suffering as he put his victim through, but I did a good job, and I had fun in the process. And the rest, they say, is history.