_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE FOURTEEN: FEBRUARY 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Military servers \ / By: Netw0rk Bug \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is some more info on the domain name: MIL Domain servers in listed order: G.ROOT-SERVERS.NET C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET E.ROOT-SERVERS.NET I.ROOT-SERVERS.NET A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET There are 59 known sub-domains: ACOM.MIL Commander in Chief AF.MIL SSG/SINO ARL.MIL U.S. Army Research Laboratory ARMY.MIL US ARMY INFORMATION SYSTEMS COMMAND ARPA.MIL Advanced Research Projects Agency ASSIST.MIL Defense Information System Agency/ASSIST BRL.MIL U.S. Army Ballistic Research Laboratory CENTCOM.MIL CENTCOM domain DAPS.MIL Defense Automated Printing Service DARPA.MIL Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency/IPTO DCAA.MIL Defense Contract Audit Agency DDN.MIL DOD Network Information Center DECA.MIL DEFENSE COMMISSARY AGENCY DEFENSELINK.MIL Single Agency Manager DFAS.MIL DEFENSE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING SERVICE DIA.MIL Defense Intelligence Agency DIS.MIL Defense Investigative Service DISA.MIL DISA Information Systems Center DLA.MIL Defense Logistics Agency DMSO.MIL Defense Modeling and Simulation Office DNA.MIL Defense Nuclear Agency DODED.MIL DANTES DSM.MIL Defense Systems Management College DSS.MIL Defense Securty Service DSWA.MIL Defense Special Weapons Agency DTIC.MIL Defense Technical Information Center DTRA.MIL Defense Threat Reduction Agency EUCOM.MIL HQ USEUCOM HPC.MIL High Performance Computing Modernization Office HQSOCOM.MIL US SPECIAL OPERATIONS COMMAND JAST.MIL Joint Strike Fighter Program JCS.MIL Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division JS.MIL JSIRMO / Joint Stafff JSC.MIL Joint Spectrum Center JSIMS.MIL JSIMS JPO LES.MIL Advanced Information Technology NAVY.MIL Navy NCSC.MIL National Computer Security Center NIC.MIL DOD Network Information Center NIMA.MIL National Imagery and Mapping Agency NIPR.MIL DOD Network Information Center NOSC.MIL Naval Ocean Systems Center NRO.MIL National Reconnaissance Office NSA.MIL National Security Agency OCHAMPUS.MIL Off. of CIV Health & MED Program of the Uniformed OSD.MIL Single Agency Manager/Pentagon OSIA.MIL On-Site Inspection Agency PACOM.MIL US military Pacific Command PENTAGON.MIL Single Agency Manager SOC.MIL United States Army Special Operations SOCOM.MIL US SPECIAL OPERATIONS COMMAND SOUTHCOM.MIL United States Southern Command SPACECOM.MIL COMMANDER IN CHIEF, US SPACE Cmmd STRATCOM.MIL United States Strategic Command/J644 TRANSCOM.MIL US Transportation Command USACE.MIL U.S. Army Corps of Engineers USCG.MIL United States Coast Guard USMC.MIL USMCNOC USUHS.MIL Uniformed Services University of the Health Scien