============================================ A Collection Of Bios Backdoor Passwords That I Have Come Across On My journey's ============================================ Author : Netw0rk Bug E-Mail : bug@netw0rk.freeserve.co.uk Date : 19th FEB 1999 ============================================ Well here's something you might find interesting .. It seems that some people who works for AWARD bios and other BIOS manufacturers like to build in default passwords or put in a backdoor to the bios password system , Most bios software is by AWARD these days so this will give you local access to a large chunk of systems . For Any PC with AWARD bios Type 589589 when prompted for bios password This seems to work on most system after the year of 97 Apparently on newer Award bios systems the password PINT or pint, can be used to get access to the bios setup no matter the bios password that is installed on the system but I have yet to confirm this. Here are some more award bios passwords AWARD_SW j262 HLT SER SKY_FOX BIOSTAR ALFAROME lkwpeter j256 AWARD?SW LKWPETER Syxz aLLy 589589 589721 awkward More AMI bios passwords AMI BIOS PASSWORD HEWITT RAND AMI?SW AMI_SW LKWPETER A.M.I. OO, and here are some more that I found BIOS TYPE MASTER EARLY AWARD LATE AWARD PASSWORD v4.51PG v4.51PG Award 1988-1994 AW AMI 1988-1994 AMI AMIDECODE Unknown 1988-1994 PASS PASSWORD PASSOFF Old Phoenix phoenix Some AMI AMI_SW A.M.I. AMI!SW AMI?SW HEWITT RAND Some Award AWARD SW AWARD_SW X X AWARD_PS AWARD_PW AWARD_HW AWARD Syxz X j262 X 589589 X 589721 lkwpeter X djonet X Unknown CONDO J64 BIOS SETUP CMOS BIOSTAR BIOSSTAR