_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE FIFTEEN: MARCH 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Chemical Grenades \ / By -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Mearly by looking at the title you will have figured out exactly what I'm going to cover in this article, yep good ol' chemical weapons. So you maybe asking "What kind of chemicals?" well unlike some of my previous articles where I have mentioned the use of stuff that a lot of you won't be able to get hold of, this is a cross between a molotov cocktail and the chlorine bomb I described in a previous issue. So I'm not really going to cover any extreamly sophisitcated device this time, and since chlorine gas is literally avalible off the shelf in the UK (given the simple process of mixing two chemicals). I figured that I could describe how a device could be made that would have some pretty dangerous/lethal results. Right the basis of this is on just how reactive chlorine gas is when it get's mixed with something like petrol. There can be many modifications done to these devices, I will attempt to cover as many of them as I can. Firstly the basic chemical grenade. This small device will produce nice ammounts of chlorine gas once it hits it's target and breaks open, since this is the most basic of these devices it is also the safest to make. Materials: Ajax Domestos (I think that it's these two chemicals, either that or ammonia and domestos, but these should work) Face mask Either a Yazoo milkshake bottle (the small 200ml plastic ones) or a small plastic bottle. A condom Right if you decide to make something like this make sure that you are in a well ventilated area, outdoors preferably. Make sure that you wear the face mask at all times, chlorine gas will burn your lungs and will hurt like hell, it will also cause your lungs to produce excess amounts of mucus because of the irritation, this will cause you to drown in your only bodily fluids (and I'd prefer if all of SWAT's read's didn't die from dry land drowning). 1) Half fill the bottle with Domestos 2) Half fill the condom with Ajax 3) Twist the condom a few times so that no domestos can get to the ajax 4) Put the condom around the neck of the bottle (remember the twist, and try not to get any domestos into/over/even touch the condom at this stage). Right that's basically it, you could use an elastic band or even some string to hold the condom around the neck of the bottle. Ok all you should need to do it throw this device against a hard surface. I'm sure that you've all thrown a bottle of water? you know that when it hits the floor a load of water squirts out of the end, same thing happens here, only this time it ain't water, and the result of the two chemicals mixing releases chlorine gas. That is if you didn't twist the condom so many times nothing happened. Now onto the reaction between petrol and chlorine, right I could go on to explian the reaction, but I really can't be arsed, just think of it like, "chlorine will react with anything and anything volatile will have dangerous effects" well ok that isn't scientifically true, but I don't much care. If you where to soak a small rag in turpantine and drop it into something containing chlorine gas it will release a lot of black smoke and probably burst into flames, now bear in mind that turpantine is similar to petrol in many ways, but petrol is a hell of a lot more volatile. Material for this are: Ajax Domestos Face mask Yazoo milkshake bottle (the small 200ml plastic ones) A condom Some petrol (yeah same list from above only with added petrol) Right this time you half fill the milkshake bottle with Ajax and add around 50ml of petrol, for gods sake don't add domestos to the petrol because domestos is what contains the cholrine, infact do a small test to start with, pour a small amount of Ajax into a bowl (outside) and add some petrol to it, if it blows up or bursts into flames, just use plain old ammonia (I.e, chlorine will react with petrol but ammonia shouldn't, always test). Same procedure as before, simply hurl it at a hard surface, this time the chlorine gas will mix with the petrol BOOOOM as well as lethal gas you also get flames and smoke. Of course this veriation is more dangerous than the first, but then if you threw the first device into the forecourt of a petrol station you would probably have the same effect, only a hell of a lot bigger (not that I want any of you to do that). Well there's two similar types of chemical grenades, I'll probably come up with a few more sometime.