_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE SIXTEEN: APRIL 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Large scale firebombs \ / By -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- So what are large scale firebombs? well take your normal molatov cocktail, multiply it by 15 and add a timer, there you have a large scale firebomb. Ok so you can't throw it, but they do wonders on vehicles/phone boxes/garden sheds almost anywhere really. Ok so for these little devices you will need: 5 Litle water bottle (the ones full of mineral water that cost £1 each) 4.5 liters of petrol/napalm Cigar Tube (or small pipe bomb) Optional: Strong oxerdiser, I recommend Potassium Permanganate. Timer or fuse Low grade explosive (Black or flash powder work perfect) Note: Adding a lot of potassium permanganate will cause a huge explosion, also it can cause the device to become unstable, you should add it just before you set the timer. Other oxidisers you can use are Sodium Chlorate or Potassium Nitrate First off take your cigar tube and punch a small hole in the top, the hole should be big enought to take the fuse, or igniter. Fill the tube full of your chosen low grade explosive, pack it loose since it will work better that way. Now seal the tube, I would recommend using Epoxy resin and leave it to cure over night. Don't use anything that will disolve in petrol because that will seriously decrese the effectiveness of the device. Fill the bottle with petrol or napalm, this is where you find out that you got a crapy bottle and it disolves on you, but most of the time this won't happen. Add your oxidiser (NOT POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE) and screw on the lid, the ammount of oxidiser you add depends on how much you have spare, you could easily add 1kg of Sodium Chlorate. Shake up the solution until it has all disolved (aren't you glad you didn't add potassium permangate, if you did you would now be a nice big human fireball). Unscrew the lid and lower the cigar tube/pipe bomb into the water bottle which will be filled with your chosen liquid mixed with an oxidiser. If you chose to use a normal fuse for your device then you should use something like an anntenna to cover it up and make sure that no petrol seeps through, it's easily done and I think that I've previously covered that in another issue. Ok so now you should have something that looks like this: || || <- Fuse/Det wires leading to pipebomb _||_ / || \ __| || |___ | || | | || | <- Bottle filled with solution | / \ | | | | | | |__| | |__________| (That is not to scale) Screw on the lid, chances are you will need to punch a hole in the lid and seal it with Epoxy resin to make sure that it's water tight. Ok your pretty much done now, all that you have to do is rig up your timer and away you go. Right here's a basic run down on what happens, the pipe bomb in the center will ignite the petrol/napalm while sending a small shock wave through it. Thus causing some of the petrol to explode and spraying it everywhere and burning whatever it splatters on. You can pretty much add any mixture of flamable substance to it, just think of it as a large scale molatov cocktail. Even if the petrol fails to explode enough to cover a large distance (for whatever reason, petrols explosive anyway and with added oxerdisers it should go up), then it will burst into flames and spill everywhere. If you wanted to add a "fail safe" then add magnesium powder to the low grade explosive mix, hell that'll ignite anything. Ideas for mixtures instead of petrol/napalm: Chud: Chud is cheap and can burn all kinds of things. To make it all you need is flour and petrol. Fill a bowl 1/3 of the way full of flour. Then add petrol. Stir it until you get a mixture that is like dough. It is done. "Blue Fire": This is one of my personal favorites, mainly because I made it using a load of flammable chemicals I had about the house. Simply mix: Methalated spirits, Turp's, Model plane fuel (any kind), lighter fluid, sugar (enough to make it a thin syrup) and some kind of oxidiser. I call it Blue Fire because when I made a molotov with it, it exploded in the usual orange fireball and continued to burn with a flame on the ground. Blue Napalm: Another one of my little creations, this stuff actually has some good uses, mainly because if you keep it togeather (in a bottle) then it is a liquid, but as soon as it splatters on something it will adhear to it forming a thin film and continue to burn. Simply mix: Blu-Tak with Lighter fluid (petrol will also work), until it forms the consistancy of a thick milkshake. Devastator: Excuse the name, I couldn't think of anything else to call it, another piss easy one, naplam (any kind) with a load of Jet-X engines in it, I don't really have to explain this one do I? ok I will, Jet-X engines flare up when you ignite them, 'nuff said.