_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE SIXTEEN: APRIL 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Impact grenades \ / By -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't think that I've covered these before, if I have, then I assure you that these kind are far more advanced (if not crude in there construction). So why the fuck would you need an impact grenade? well I suppose certain people would have certain uses for a grenade that exploded on impact, not that I'm encouraging you to all go out and bomb an area. Type I This is pretty much a basic impact grenade that can be made by anyone who can get there hands on/make simple explosive mixtures. Materials: Paper caps Paper cap grenade (the little ones that look like rockets) Cardboard Metal tube (4cm in diameter) Paper Glue Explosive mixture (sodium chlorate/sugar mix) Simple explosive compound (black powder, cellulose nitrate) (1) Make a fuse by cutting a piece of paper 1cm x 5cm. Now cover it in a thin layer of glue, wait for a while until the glue in beginning to set. Now sprinkle it with gun powder (from personal experience nitrocellulose works better for a fuse). (2) Now role a tube with the cardboard, make sure that the tube is big enough to accomodate the cap rocket, but small enough to fit in the metal tube. The tube shuold be hollow, so you will need to cover one end over using something, I would recommend that you use a small piece of card. (3) Cut a small hole in the tube about 1cm from the bottom (of the open end). (4) Place the cap grenade inside the cardboard tube, make sure that it fits perfectly in length, if the tube it too fat, then make it smaller, about half a centimeter either side of the rocket is perfect. Now thread the fuse you made through the hole in the card tube and into where you place a cap on the cap grenade, don't put a cap in yet. It should look like this: __ <---- Fuse _/_________________ /|/ \________/ /| Cap --> C| || ________<<<<<<<>| grenade \||_/________\______\|<----- Tube (5) Now place the paper cap grenade inside the metal tube, you may need to fix it in place with some tape. (6) Fill the metal tube with your choice of explosive mixture and seal the end, now place one or two paper caps into the cap grenade. Well that's just about it, you will need to attach a small streamer or a small parachute to it so that the cap grenade is the part that hits the ground first. Type II These are by far the most safest ones to make, I should know I was in the process of building one with a friend and it exploded. Most of you will have already build these, but I thought that I would just cover them again. Materials: everal boxes of Fun Snaps Smarties Tube (optional, but recomended) Nitrocellulose Right just incase you don't know what a fun snap is, it's a little paper bag of Ammonium Triiodide crystals, they are clear/brown and they make a popping noise when you throw them on a hrd surface. (1) Take you boxes of fun snaps (we had about 10) and remove all of the fun snaps. Now unravel all of them and remove the contents, keep them somepace safe. (2) Carefully mix the nitrocellulose in with the fun snaps' contents. (3) VERY CAREFULLY pour this into the smarties tube(this is where it can explode, and it is very loud indeed). (4) Put the lid on the tube. There you have it, all you do now is throw it, you can always put the stuff into paper towels and seal it with an elastic band. Type III Here's an extreamly simple one to make, it is also by far the loudest and it is also fairly safe. You will need: Paper caps Masking tape 2 Fairly large rocks Streamer. (1) Wrap the paper caps un as tight as you can with the masking tape. (2) Take what should now be a solid reel of caps wrapped with masking tape and tape in (one piece of tape only) to one side of a rock. (3) Place the other rock agasint it and put a few pieces of tape around it also. (4) Now attach the streamer to one end of the rocks. It should look like this: \ <- Long streamer ____\________ | || | | || | | || | <- Rock |____||______| ____$$$$$_____ <- Paper caps in the middle | || | | || | <- Rock | || | |____||______| ^ | Tape That's it, thow one of these down a street at midnight and you'll have the police anti-terrorist squad out and wake up everybody in the street (in fact you'll wake up everybody in a wide area). Yes simple to make and fun to piss about with Type IV Ok I really don't think anyone out there will make one like this, but I'll include it anyway. Materials: 1 Shotgun shell (Tracer) 1 can of lighter gas Tape Thick card Drawing pin Small parachute. (1) Glue/tape the thick card over the back of the cartridge, where the percussion pin is. (2) Push the drawing pin half way through the card, keep the cartrigde poinint away from you, perferably in avice pointing at a wall. (3) One that's done tape the cartridge to the bottom of the gas can. Make sure that the cartrige top is against the can's bottom. (4) Attach the small parachute to the top of the gas can. That's about it, short and sweet. Ok so here's how it works, when you throw (or drop from a height) the gas can, the parachute keeps it upright. Once it hit's a hard surface the percusion pin will be set off as the drawing pin hits against it. This will cause the lead shot to blow the gas can apart, thus releasing a load of hightly explosive propane into the surrounding area, this will of course mix with the surrounding oxygen. If the cartrige fails to ignite the air/fuel mix then the tracer will do it. Ok I can't honestly say that i've ever opened up a tracer shell, but since most tracers are made of phosphrous which, as anyone who pays attention in chemistry, will know ignites in oxygen. Well guess what? 22% of the earths gases is oxygen, so as you guessed it, it ignites pretty much as soon as it exits the cartrigde. Not that it matters, I mean the propane will expand rapidly and has a flash point below 22'C, in other words, it'll devistate the area that it's in, especially if it's contained within a building or such like.