SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE SIXTEEN: APRIL 1999 ============================================ Getting Exploits Onto Target Servers ============================================ Author : Netw0rk Bug E-Mail : bug@netw0rk.freeserve.co.uk Date : MARCH 1999 ============================================ This is mainly for all you newbies out there who are just starting off into the world of hacking. You will find hundreds of exploits on the net ready to be compiled on the target machine. However I have never come across anywhere helping you to get the code onto the target. So i decided to write this file. Hope it helps. METHOD1 ^^^^^^^ Use cat to input the source code This is very easy to do. It is also very effective. All you have to do is type something to the effect of: machine1:~:$ cat > code.c << STOP #include main() bla bla and the rest of your program then you can compile and run it with: machine1:~:$ cc -o code code.c machine1:~:$ code METHOD2 ^^^^^^^ Mail The User The File This method is simple, easy to do, pretty undetectable, but sometimes may be a touch too slow, depending on the location / speed of the system...just mail login@host.com the file or whatever, then wait at the other side for them to get it. METHOD3 ^^^^^^^ FTP the file to the system Using an FTP client, you can FTP to the remote server from your system, then upload the files to the server, but you will most probably get logged, and so if your exploits fail, this may not be such a good idea... I hope that helps out all u newbies.