_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE SIXTEEN: APRIL 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Some Basic notes on Teleconferencing \ / By Brakis \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Well since so many of you have been wanting some more information about Teleconferencing I thought I would put together this basic tutorial giving a few brief pointers about teleconferencing. "What exactly is Teleconferencing?" Teleconferencing is a service provided by independent teleconferencing companys that allows businesses to hold conference style meetings over the phone ussually through a freephone access number. It is used by businesses to communicate over long distances (sometimes internationally). "How do I get involved in Teleconferencing?" Well there are two options open to those who want to get into teleconferencing. The first way is to land yoursels an executive position in a modern firm that has national or international interests and so has to use teleconferencing as a means of communication. The second options is to hack yourself a profile number or at the very least a conference ID number and set up your own conferences. Yes I know the second option is illegal but since option number one is only going to be a posibility for a minority of people (none of whome are likely to be reading this) the second option really is your best bet. "What are Profile and ID numbers?" A profile number is the one used to set up a conference either by the conference organiser or the system administrator. An ID number is the number used to actually enter a conference, these can range from four digit pin codes to eleven or twelve digit custom codes individually assigned to each person who is SUPPOSED to enter the conference. "How do I get my hands on these types of numbers?" Quite simply there are two methods. The one you choose will depend on the method you feel suits you best. Cracking the numbers, this involves trying as many different ones as you can untill you find one that works. This method id fine for three or four digit ID codes but profile numbers tend to be longerand trying to hack at all on the more securer systems is next to impossible because they have complex numbering methods. Social Engineering the numbers required is the other way and I personally find this a lot easier. (See my other article dedeicated entirely to Social Engineering Teleconf profiles). "How do I find a teleconferencing service?" Scan the 0800 numbers. "What comapnys have teleconferencing services?" In the US we have meeting place, AT&T, 3COM and quite a few others. In the Europe we have BT, Telefonica-reunion (Spain), Deutcheconf (Germany). This list is growing all the time so if anyone can add to this list please E-Mail me so I can keep it accurate. All of the US and mainland Europe ones have UK access numbers. Meeting Place and 3COM are conference sytems that are contracted out by smaller teleconference companys and so these are the ones you are most likely to find. The other ones are all owned by Telephone companys and you have to aproach them to organise a conference for you. At time of writing it is quite easy to card a teleconference on AT&T, BT and Deutcheconf. At the moment I am just experimenting with Telefonica-reunion (because I am just experimenting with the Spanish language at the moment). "What precautions should I take when Teleconferencing?" It depends on how paranoid you are. To be safe do it through an outdial if you can't then do it from a phone box. However even if they do trace your phone number the most that is likely happen is that the system administrator will come on during the conference and ask you some questions (If you are good at Social Engineering then you can always talk your way out of that). If they get your home phone number they will be unable to get your address. In the event that they do then don't worry too much, provided the company you were using to teleconference was either 3COM or Meeting Place and was in the US it would cost them too much to actually bother prosecuting you. However do not allow this to make you become sloppy. There is enough information about teleconferencing for me to write a book about it but because I can't be arsed writing a book about it please E-Mail me with anything you wuuld like me to cover in more detail. Or if you have any new information to add then please get in touch. You can E-MAIL BRAKIS at either BRAKIS_LOPEX@HOTMAIL.COM or BRAKIS@SWATEAM.ORG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTENTION ALL NON UK HACKERS AND PHREAKERS IN EUROPE: An alliance has recently been formed between Brakis and Sintax both formerly of Darkcyde. We are setting up a new group that is NOT going to be a hard up "31337" eleet groop. It is merely going to be a laid back,easy going information network that is going to be based just on telephony based information gathering. It will mainly be concerned with European telecommunication so those based in the US please don't get in touch. We are looking for a base of no more than 7 members who have an interest in Hacking and Phreaking and have enough knowledge to get by (especially of their own countries phone and computer systems). We already have a stronghold in the U.K. and so are looking to recruit members in countries who are on mainland Europe i.e. Germany,Spain France,Sweden etc if this sound like you and you live somewhere in Europe (including Russia and the Balkans) then please get in touch at BRAKIS_LOPEX@HOTMAIL.COM Thankyou