_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE SIXTEEN: APRIL 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Your country needs you \ / By Brakis. \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Well it seems that for once NATO and the hacking community have a common purpose: Namely the destruction of the Milosovic regime in Serbia. I do not ussually write in favour of the actions of NATO and I am still distrusting of the picture off the situation in the Balkans that we are hearing about however thiss time the Hackers have got invloved and because of the Serbian propganda machine Serbian hackers are taking upon themselves to attack British computer systems. Well I say we should make our own effort in putting a stop to the ethnic cleansing of the Kosovo Albanians. I think it is time that the Western Hacking community united in order to wage our own war on the Serbian Hackers and computer systems. Go for the throat, give the Serbian propoganda websights a good going over. I believe that a collective effort on the part of western hackers could deal a serious blow to the Serbs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTENTION ALL NON UK HACKERS AND PHREAKERS IN EUROPE: An alliance has recently been formed between Brakis and Sintax both formerly of Darkcyde. We are setting up a new group that is NOT going to be a hard up "31337" eleet groop. It is merely going to be a laid back,easy going information network that is going to be based just on telephony based information gathering. It will mainly be concerned with European telecommunication so those based in the US please don't get in touch. We are looking for a base of no more than 7 members who have an interest in Hacking and Phreaking and have enough knowledge to get by (especially of their own countries phone and computer systems). We already have a stronghold in the U.K. and so are looking to recruit members in countries who are on mainland Europe i.e. Germany,Spain France,Sweden etc if this sound like you and you live somewhere in Europe (including Russia and the Balkans) then please get in touch at BRAKIS_LOPEX@HOTMAIL.COM Thankyou