_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE SIXTEEN: APRIL 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / How to get money from BT phone boxes \ / By OutlaW of "The A-Team \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ***************** * What you need * ***************** * Wire clippers * Courage (as in guts, balls, bottle, nerve, etc, etc). * A payphone *************** * What you do * *************** What you do is this, first find your chosen payphone, it must be in a quiet, secluded place, but used often enough to collect sufficient profit. The idea is that, under cover of darkness, you get access to the cables going to the phone(The bendy black one, NOT the thick grey one), it is important that you get the right cable, because if you cut the wrong one you will get 240Volts through yourself. From this point onwards it is wise to have some kind of lookout, to check for cops/gestapo, etc. Once you have found the black wire, you must strip away the insulation, leaving seven individual conductors, and a string. What you have to do is cut the cable that carries billing information from the local telephone exchange to that particular phone box. There is no conformity whatsoever in what colour the data cable should be, so it is important that you find out which it is. As stated earlier, there are seven cables: these are: - Cable Colour What it does 1 Yellow nothing 2 Yellow nothing 3 Yellow nothing 4 Black ? 5 Red ? 6 White carries voice data 7 Orange carries voice data There are two cables that the data cable may possibly be, and these are the black and the red. One of these is used to make the phone ring, and the other to carry data. So go ahead... cut one, if you cut the wrong one, RUN AWAY!, or better still, re-attach it and try again (It is wise to cut the yellow wires also, as they may do something). To find out if you have cut the right cable or not, simply dial 0800 282 646 (YET another way of accessing BT's line test facility, same as 17070), and do a "Ringback linetest" if the fone rings then pat yourself on the back, go home, and meditate/watch TV/eat food for the next 2 or 3 days. (You could of course cut both wires, but that's just too easy!!!) Occasionally the voice cables will be different to the orange and white, then you must experiment, boy! After a few days are up, then you can return to your fone box, and re-attach the wire(s), if all went according to plan, then you should pick up the phone, insert ten pence (Don't worry, you will get it back!!!), then put the receiver down, (but DO NOT make a call), then the fone will eject all of the money it has stored over the last few days into the change drawer, along with your ten pence! ...How it works... How it works is like this, after the data cable has been cut, the fone will assume that it is all on its own in the big wide world. This means that it has been disconnected from BT's local billing computer, so every time anyone makes a call, it will automatically keep the money they insert in its temporary cache bay, the reason for this is so that BT don't accidentally UNDER-charge you. So after they finish their call, it will give them NO change (Not that the tight-fisted gestapo scum would give change anyway), and it will not drop the money into the safe, so each time a call is made, then the money is stored here. After a few days of this the temporary change drawer will be getting quite full, so check often lest a gestapo agent comes across your little scheme. With several payphones, you could make a tidy profit this way, Apparently phone boxes are checked quite regularly, so do not make the cut in an obvious place, and do not rip-off the same box for months on end. Another phile from the lame brain that is... The Outlaw http://www.swateam.org/users/a-team/ a-team@swateam.org "Never shave... ...EVER"