_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE SIXTEEN: APRIL 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Lloyds incendire \ / By -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a little device that i came up with when I was in Birmingham ealier this month. It uses simple chemical reactions (that have already been covered in past issues) combined with highly volatile chemicals to result in a loverly incendrie device. So why's it called a Lloyds incendire? well because all of the ingredients can be bought from Lloyds Chemists for a couple of pounds. You will need: Nail varnish remover (about £1.15 for a large botle) Potassium Permanganate (about 85p for 25 grams) 2 bottles of Glycerin (about £1 for a small bottle) Plastic tube (fish tank tubing works) Epoxy resin Blue tac Ok first off pour all of the nail varnish remover into another container. That sweet smell is acetone, and as anyone who has ever messed about with acetone knows it is hightly flamable (hell Crisp and myself pratactally made a cup load of it explode without any means of a detonator). (1) Anyway if you look at the ingredients of the nail varnish remover. you will notice that it has, amoug other things, Glycerin in it. The ammount of glycerin in it isn't enough, well I'm assuming that it isn't enough, past experiences also prove this. So we're going to increase the glycerin content. (2) Empty the two bottles of glycerin into the Acetone and mix them up well just remember not to mix it with the fish tank tubing. (3) Now crush up the potassium permangante, try to crush it as fine as you can, I recommend using a rolling pin or something similar. (4) Once that is done block one of the ends of the tube with epoxy resin and leave it to set. (5) Now half fill the nail varnish remover bottle with the acetone/glycerin mixture, do this and then shake it up well. (6) Hopefully the epoxy resin should have set (it could take 24hrs, so be patient) so fill the tube with the potassium permanganate. Seal the other end with lots of blue tac. (7) Right your just about done now, all that needs doing is for you to pop the tube into the bottle of aceton/glycerin mixture, screw the lid on, shake once, discard somewhere and run away. Right for those of you who aren't too sure as to why it bursts into flames a few minutes later and incinerates the whole area, here's what happens. Acetone will either eat away the platic tubeing (depends on the type of plastic) or it will eat away at the blue tac. Once it has done that the high glycerin content in the acetone will react with the potassium permanganate. As anyone who pays attention to chemistry (or past issues of SWAT) will know that potassium permanganate and glycerin ignite spontainously. So the two chemicals burst into flames and ignite the acetone vapour in the bottle, the vapor then goes on to ignite the rest of it. Very cool don't you think? So I decided to modify the simple design, although effective it can still be improved. (1) This time we'll substitue the plastic tube for a metal tube. (2) Seal the ends with your choice of sealent (3) fill it up with different chemical compounds, this time use finely ground black powder in the bottom and then add potassium permanganate to the top. So this time while the lot is burning the remaining potassium permanganate is acting like a fuse to the black powder, needless to say that it explodes and sprays the area with a firery mixture of aceton and glycerin.