_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE SIXTEEN: APRIL 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / The Onion Trial \ / A Speical Report by BRAKIS \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all I must apoligise for the lateness of this article. Onion and all of us here at S.W.A.T.'s base of operations in Scotland's central belt have been greatful for all the support that has been offered during this difficult time. On Monday 15th Ferbruary Onion was tried and convicted of attempted robbery in the Glasgow Sherrif court at 12.05 pm ,his trial began at 10.30 am. The jewery were out for only ten minutes. The "hounorable" Sherrif MacFarlane presiding. It was dragged out for a ridiculously long time with the prosecution taking every chance to humiliate Onion wherever they could. The defence in spite of having fought a brave struggle had a hopeless cause. It was obvious that in the eyes of our Archaic Law system the real reason that this crime was commited was totally overlooked. Onion is a Hacker. As such he belives in freedom of information and his reason for attempting to steal that computer equiptment was so he could enforce his beliefs. Was it really neccesarry for a multi million pound company with assests (many of which no doubt hold their own illegalities) all over the world to drag a young hacker with benevolent intentions through the courts of U.K. where it would impossible for him to recieve a fair trial. Onion's life on the outside world has been pretty much tarnished. He now has a criminal record and any chance of finding a job is now gone it is therefore neccesarry to ask why was it needed for a large company to drag this young man through the courts ? The same reason it is needed for the American government to impose huge trade embargoes on European companies who don't happen to buy from big American businesses. The world is full of corporate arse sniffers who only care about lining there pockets with green. It is people like Onion who are the real heroes, it is people like him that aren't afraid of breaking the law in order to stand up for what they believe in. Onion was sentenced to 8 months home confinement under electroninc tagging, followed by 600 hours community service and also had to pay a fine of 1500 pounds. This just goes to show why it is we do what we do. Onion did remain his sarcastic self, even in the face of the intimidating haughtyness of judge Macfarlane: Sherrif : Would you please state your name for the record ? Onion : Alexander the aggravated grapefruit. and later when the prosecution was triyng to bring out Onion's past.. Lawyer :You admit that in your School days that you and Mr *BRAKIS* used to partake in the theft and usage of dangerous chemicals from the laboratories. Onion: No I just made that up in the hope that some dumb ass lawyer would ask me irrelenvent questions and look really stupid..... For the moment Onion is appreciating all the support he is being given and is that this moment trying to fuck with those electronic tag thingies. So if any of you would like any more information please E-Mail me at either BRAKIS@SWATEAM.ORG or BRAKIS_LOPEX@HOTMAIL.COM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTENTION ALL NON UK HACKERS AND PHREAKERS IN EUROPE: An alliance has recently been formed between Brakis and Sintax both formerly of Darkcyde. We are setting up a new group that is NOT going to be a hard up "31337" eleet groop. It is merely going to be a laid back,easy going information network that is going to be based just on telephony based information gathering. It will mainly be concerned with European telecommunication so those based in the US please don't get in touch. We are looking for a base of no more than 7 members who have an interest in Hacking and Phreaking and have enough knowledge to get by (especially of their own countries phone and computer systems). We already have a stronghold in the U.K. and so are looking to recruit members in countries who are on mainland Europe i.e. Germany,Spain France,Sweden etc if this sound like you and you live somewhere in Europe (including Russia and the Balkans) then please get in touch at BRAKIS_LOPEX@HOTMAIL.COM Thankyou