_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE SEVENTEEN: MAY 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Flash Bangs, Cherry Bombs and Crator Makers \ / By Occult \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [ BTW it might be worth pointing out that Occult lives is Australia ] FLASH BANGS MATERIALS 1. 35MM FILM CANISTER.(just go to your local photo developing shop and ask for some). 2.FLASH POWDER. 3.SPARKLERS OR BLACKMATCH FUSE. 4.ELECTRICAL TAPE OR DUCT TAPE. 5.KNIFE OR SOMETHING WITH A SHARP POINT. PROCEDURE Okay take your film canister and start filling it with flash powder (formula given below) when you are about half a centimetre from the top stop filling it .Now grab the lid and punch a hole in it with you knife or whatever just make sure the fuse can pass through the hole.Put the lid on the film cannister and wind the electrical or duct tape round the lid so it hold's the lid on really tight , wind it real hard and a couple of times. Tadah you now your very own firecrcker that was extremely easy to make. NOTES When I let mine off they give a really loud noise, about a shotgun blast but times 2 even from a distance of about 100 metres and a huge flash. FORMULA FOR FLASH POWDER. Go to your local chemist and ask for a bottle of condi's crystals,they come in a 50mg bottle.Next go to your local paint store and get a 50g jar of silver powder. Go home and grind the condi's crystals into a fine powder, don't grind up the aluminium powder it is already fine enough.To make flash powder mix condi's crystals with aluminium powder in a 1:1 ratio. HOW TO MAKE BLACKMATCH FUSE First make black powder (75 pecent pottassium nitrate,15 percent charcoal and 10 percent sulfur).put about 2 teaspoons of black powder in a container and ad water to make a muddy paste, dip your string into the muddy paste for about a minute,make sure the string has a thick coat.Take the string out and hang it up to dry. CHERRY BOMBS MATERIALS 1.A ping pong ball. 2.Flash Powder. 3.duct tape or electrical tape. 4.blackmatch fuse or a sparkler. 5.funnel. 6.nail polish. 7.A sharp knife PROCEDURE Start by poking a hole big enough for the funnel you have to fit into the ping pong then get the flash powder (formula given below) and start filling the ping pong with the flash powder. fill the ping pong ball right to the top (not so it's falling out the hole,about 1/2 a centimetre from the top) then put a small piece of duct tape over the hole so no flash powder falls out. When you want to light it (for blackmatch fuse) peel the tape off the hole and insert the fuse and light.For sparkler fuse poke a hole in the duct tape shove the sparkler in and light. FORMULA FOR FLASH POWDER. Go to your chemist and buy a little bottle of condi's crystals for about $3.50 then go to your local paint store and buy a 500 gram jar of silver powder. Go home and empty the condi's crystals into a mortar and pestle and pulverize the condi's crystals to a fine powder & then mix a 1:1 ratio of condi's crystals to silver powder. Put in a jar and shake for 2 minutes you now have flash powder. HOW TO MAKE BLACKMATCH FUSE First make gun powder (75%potassium nitrate 15% charcoal & 10% sulphur) Add water to this to make a muddy paste. Then dip a string (twine) in this and let soak the hang up to dry. CRATOR MAKERS MATERIALS 1.An empty Co2 cartridge. 2.Sparklers about 2 packs. 3.Empty party popper 4.Super glue 5.Matches 6.Empty tin can. 7.Some spaklers. 8.A mortar and pestle 9.Pair of scissors or a knife. 10.A empty ice cream container.(To hold the crushed up sparklers in before you pulverize them to flower in the mortar and pestle) PROCEDURE Cut the long thin end of the party popper off the party popper and secure it down on the Empty Co2 cartridge.Use the party popper as a funnel to put the sparkler powder inside the Co2 cartridge. Leave the sparklers in the packet and bend it so all the sparkler stuff come off the sparkler wire ( keep the wire it is useful later).Make sure every sparkler wire is bare.Then take a mortar and pestle and crush the sparklers into a fine powder so it has a consistency of flour(dont try to crush it all at once cause it spills out of the mortar and gives you the shits). Get a spoon and spoon it into the party popper which is secure on the Co2 cartridge. Use the sparkler wire to shove the sparkler dust down into the Co2 cartridge untill it is packed full (don't try to fill one half full) they don't blow as well. Then super glue in the opening of the co2 cartridge and jam a match head in the top of the co2 cartridge and snap it off. Now set it down to dry. Get the empty tin can get the other pack of spaklers and crush them off the sticks again, but save one for a fuse and this time don't crush it into a fine powder. Okay put the sparkler's you just crushed up except for the one for the fuse in the bottle of the empty tin can and place the now dried and ready crater maker on top of the sparkler's in the empty tin can and push it into the sparkler's in the can. light the sparkler you have and push the non lit bit in the mixture and run like shit cos this MUTHAFUCKA BLOWS BIG. (REALLY IMPORTANT dont't put the lit bit of the sparkler staight into the sparklers in the can otherwise it will blow up and kill you). Oh also I just remebered you can use pottassium nitrate/sugar mix in the can bit if you run out of sparklers. P.S: From personal expierience these things are pretty powerful. How powerful i’ll tell ya,one time me and my mates did one and we put another can over the top of the other can then a thick sheet of asbestos over that.The cratermaker totally obliterated the 2 cans and blew the co2 shrapanal right through the thick sheet of asbestos and also one of my mates heard it from the top of this hill about 500 metres away as he was coming to us.Pretty powerful for so called "safe sparklers"