_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE SEVENTEEN: MAY 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Audio \ / By Unknown Guest \ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - AUDIO - - - - - - Now you want to make some cash quickly, real cash not this shit £25/month from alladvantage. If you do want to earn shit cash go to www.alladvantage.com. Oh and remember to sign up with ANA-390. Ok well you want lots of cash how about go into CD burning (copying). I recently have embarked on this method and i have to say i have earnt quite a lot of dosh. I will run through the know-how to make a standard audio CD from all of those Mp3s you have downloaded. If your connection is shit checkout the article i wrote on ADSL and upgrade your connection.Equiptment you will need for CD burning (copying). CD WRITER (PREFERABLY REWRITER) MP3 PLAYER (WINAMP) SOUND CARD (SBLIVE) CD WRITER SOFTWARE (ADAPTEC EASY CD CREATOR) Right, the CD REWRITABLE will be needed to obviously copy the CDs plus i always find it is best to test the files to see if they work on rewritable CD first just in case. Unfortunately you cant get audio files to work on a cd writable when it is put into a CD player This is cause of the reflective surface of the CD, i think?. MP3 player is obvious. Now the SOUNDCARD i will touch on later cause you use this when copying to a MD deck. I presume you have one. Give selection to the customer. SOFTWARE is obvious. STEPS TO COPYING AN AUDIO CD: 1) GET YOU MP3 FILE (www.allmp3s.com) 2) OPEN WINAMP 3) GO OPTIONS>PREFERENCES>THEN PLUGINS>OUTPUT>DISKWRITER 4) OK THE CHANGES 5) PLAY THE MP3 Enough for now then ill carry on with the steps after the explanation. Now you need to change those options in Winamp so this allows you to be able to change the MP3 file into a WAV file. Unfortunately normal hi-fi CD players are unable to read a MP3 file and so this conversion process has to be carried out. Now you MIGHT need to get a to download some converter software that will convert the wav file you have made from the original MP3 files into a CD soundtrack. The is why adaptec easy cd creator is good because it automatically does this and so saves time not having to convert the wav to soundtrack yourself. That is the process of making a Audio CD. If you want to give your customers a choice of what type of media they want it on you will have to introduce the copying of MDs too. Now using a SBLIVE (full version), not value. The difference between value and full is that the full comes with software and a digi board. (www.SBLIVE.com). Hopefully you have a optical input on your hi-fi for the data to be recorded onto the MD, but i hear you say the output on the digiboard is co-axial, too true. Now you need to purchase a co-axial to digital converter box, this will change the signal from electric pulse to a light pulse. You can obtain one of these magic boxes from Turnkey electronics for around £50. Simply connect this between the hi-fi and the sound card using the right cables. 1 CO-axial standard cable (preferably high %age of copper) 1 optical cable Now when playing a MP3 you can press the record button on your MD deck and it will record the current MP3 playing. Always charge more for a MD cause they are around £2.00 whereas a CD is about £0.50. Now if you want to go into this you have to sell ALOT of CDs. So get out there and advertise. Equiptment Costs: CD REWRITER: Around £250. For SCSI (no processor power needed) MP3 PLAYER (WINAMP): FREE (www.winamp.com) SOUND CARD (SBLIVE): £120 CD WRITER SOFTWARE (ADAPTEC EASY CD CREATOR): WAREZ, sorry no link CONVERTER BOX: £50 Turnkey Electronics. Maybe also other music shops. If anyone has any knowledge about C programming it would be much appreciated. I am currently trying to recompile the NAT program to work with a list of hosts. Cheers. If you want to ask me something Im at email:unknown.guest@swateam.org ICQ: 16735367