_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE SEVENTEEN: MAY 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / The BT Caller Log. \ / By =The-Doh-Boy= \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyone who's read the cookbook will no doubt be familiar with the fear that the caller log, or CAMA, and ESS in general, had instilled. Fortunately in todays phreaking world it shouldn't be much of a problem, partly due to the techniques I outlined a few issues back for defeating the caller log, but also because its pretty inefficient over long periods of time. The main reason for this is that, according to an inside informer, the numbers that have been called ar held for two days after they are registered and then passed to billing. Good news for those of us who make a lot of 0800 calls as these aren't billed and aren't passed on! So this means that if you make a lot of calls to a PBX over a three month period, then they get the bill in, they have about 48 hours to get BT to shell the details of your 0800 calls to them, which isn't a long time in anyones eyes. Also heartening is news of Euro legislation which will make it ILLEGAL!! for BT to hold details of your 0800 calls. This would make phreaking safer than walking accross the street!