_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE SEVENTEEN: MAY 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / BT Freetime. \ / By =The-Doh-Boy= \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- OK, this will sound nuts, but BT are giving us free calls. No, not by their crapy loopholes in their system, but legit!!! They recently announced plans to launch an advertising funded telephone calls scheme. It is to be called BT Freetime. Trials are currently in Tyne and Weir and the north west of England. Any phreaks in the area willing to get in contact with me if they are offered a trial will be rewarded with something (I'll send you a 20ukp fonecard courtesy of BT! and be eternally greatful, and put your name/handle on the review of the service for SWAT!) On the BT website (its on their!) it says that the service should appeal to young people and students who don't havea lot of cash to spend on fone calls. I suppose its handy for when you run out of PBXes and cant stand paying BT for anything. One way that I feel this is a shrewd move by BT is that it will reduce a lot of their losses from fraudsters like us. Not a lot of newbies will come into the scene because they can quite easily get a free call from BT. The phreak scene will probably end up as a lot of people interested in the fone system in general and those who still want to see BT dead (I suppose I fit both those categories) I look forward to seeing this however, and I'll keep you posted as to the progress.