============================================ MORE NT BASICS ============================================ Author : Netw0rk Bug E-Mail : bug@netw0rk.freeserve.co.uk Date : MAY 1999 ============================================ Ok here is some more basic NT stuff for all you newbies and for the majority of Unix hackers that don't know shit about Windows NT. Its time that you tried learning about NT, its getting more and more popular. NT is getting big. You should keep up with technology... NT is widely used, even such places like the Pentagon and other military sites use it. easy to hack ( U reading this Firestarter? ) Lets get on with it... Say you have an IP address that you want to try and get access to you would do this... Example for IP address: Note: Use IP addresses because the name address sometimes wont work and the IP will so use IP addresses. Open up a dos prompt, yes... you need to use windows to hack NT.Why? Because you should know that if if your going to hack NT, you're best using the same type of computer...it you all the necessary tools. Windows 95/98 will suffice for most things. But if you want to become serious about hacking NT then you need to run an NT box also c:\windows> nbtstat -A NetBIOS Remote Machine Name Table Name Type Status --------------------------------------------- MAILGATE <00> UNIQUE Registered MAILGATE <03> UNIQUE Registered MAILGATE <1F> UNIQUE Registered MAILGATE <20> UNIQUE Registered ..__MSBROWSE__.<01> GROUP Registered MIRAGE <00> GROUP Registered MIRAGE <1D> UNIQUE Registered MIRAGE <1E> GROUP Registered MAC Address = 00-00-00-00-00-00 --------------------------------------------------------------------- |Note: this will list the remote hosts name. The name is set in the | |control pannel/networking/indentification/computername. | --------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that you have the computer name you need to tell windows the IP that maps to that computer name. So to do this you need to edit \windows\lmhosts open it in notepad or whatever. It will look like this... localhost If you are in NT then the lmhosts file will be in \winnt\system32\drivers\etc\lmhosts you want to add the ip and then press tab and enter the computer name. so the new hosts file will look like this. localhost MAILGATE This sets up a computer name mapping to the IP address of the computer to try and get into its filesharing. Save this and then click your Start Button then goto find, then computer, then enter the computer name and it will connect to that computer name that you added into the hosts file. It should show the computer as being found. Double click it and then if your lucky it wont have a password but if you aren't you will be prompted for a password which you will have to try and guess or use a brute force cracking program. What program you might ask??? Well you can use NAT, Netbios Auditing Tool. I may perhaps cover using NAT in the near future, Check back on the SWAT site and anywhere else that hosts my bug files... If you are interested in hosting my files on your web server then please don't hesitate to mail me and we can discuss it. What may you gain from this you may ask? Well.. you will be hosting some excellent files. You will also get me files in advance.