_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE EIGHTEEN: JUNE 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / .Killing Phone Line$. \ / By InSaNe \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Thi$ i$ one of the be$t thing$ i ever figerd out about phone$ and it i$ ea$y a$ 1,2,3 I write thi$ for educational u$e only!! If you fuck up and get bu$ted it i$ not my a$$ it i$ your$. here we go you phone addict$. $tep 1. ======= Go to a BT telephone it has to be BT. $tep 2. ======= call the operator and tell them you would like to cancel your acount with BT here is how it will probably go with bitch/bastrd on the other end. operator : "Oparator how may i help you?" you : "I would like to cancle my acount with BT." oparator : "What is your name sir/madam" you : blah blah (the lamer$ name that you want revenge on.) oparator : "Thank you sir/madam what is the full phone number with the area code?" you : "blah blah blah (the lamer$ phone #)" oparator : "Your phone number has now be cancled thank you for using BT." $tep 3. ======= hang the phone up and get the fuck out of the area this method was designend by the English born and bred InSaNe HAVE FUN