_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE EIGHTEEN: JUNE 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / .HOW TO GET FREE CALLS. \ / By InSaNe \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi many of you reading this probably live in England like me well if you do you might have watched a program last year about how phreakers are pissing Operater's off and how they are getting free phone calls. Brakis released a method of getting refunds of money well you don't have to be so bloody fucking abusive to the bastard wanking shit shifter operaters so lets be civil. Phone the OP up and the conversation will be like this probably.Don't forget you will need to speak sternely OP : "operater services" YOU : "Yes hello this telephone box has just swallowed my £1 and I need to make this call now." OP : "Okay sir/madam who is you are wanting to phone ?" YOU : "I would like to phone ( WHO EVER )." OP : "Okay I shall conect you Sir/Madam." YOU : "Right thankyou ." There you go that method does work if it doesn't work I don't know why, beacuse it works for me 80% of the time. Another way to get money out of those machines is at nightime say your in a VERY VERY VERY secluded place just get a hammer and smash the little black box that keeps all the money and then nickk of with all the money. And you can by usefull stuff with 20p 's goto a hardware shop and get fuse wire and stuff like that. Anyway try this method out cya. HAVE PHUN