_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE EIGHTEEN: JUNE 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Gorecarrions articles on Anarchy,Pyros and assorted Mischief \ / By Gorecarrion \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hail readers,this is my first article for S.W.A.T magazine and if I can get off my arse it should be coming out every month to build up into a sorta compalation of meaningless destruction, hahahahahahahahahaha ahem! excuse me, lets get started. 1: How to Get The Essentials of life for free. For me anyway the essentials of life are Fags Beer Dope Music and of course the root of all evil MONEY!!! Now I'll tell you how to get all of these for free 1:Ciggies are dead easy to get for free and there are three ways that I would recomend The first is to wait by a newsagents near to a local secondary school and when they let out theres sure to be a load of 13 year olds wanting you to buy them fags.except, take there money, purchase your brand and then just walk off, I mean what are they going to do to you? Second is to find one of them hole in the wall newsagents,ask for your brand then leg it when they give them to you.(A lot of the time this may not work as the newsagents are normally very carefull about this kind of thing,try it anyway) Third is to rip off Forfree.com, Firestarter did an article on this last month so read that and go from there,the Forfree numbers are on the website or in shit papers like the sport. 2:Beer is one of the easyest things to get as off licenses never have good security,so rip off as much as you can carry and leg it. 3:Dope is as important to a good night out as beer and ciggies are,but its too fuckin expensive now, there are a couple of decent ways to get it free, one is too rip off your dealer but this may lead to stab wounds in the chest so be carefull,actually in my area there are a lot of kids selling it now, its poor quality but there easy to rob the other way is to grow it yourself,this is piss easy as dope is a weed so it will grow anywhere,(theres a good file in the anarchist cook book about this and Gold Harvest explains it in more detail, available in virgin) Now we come to the root of all evil MONEY I was in the bank the other day to pay my overdraft when I saw one of them sign telling you about joining the bank,All you need is a Birth certificate,a driving license or a medical card and a bill now these are a piece of piss to forge if you have a good quality printer and scanner,scan em in change the name and address open an account get an overdraft credit cards ect bingo a few grand thats not linked to you at all,unless you were stupid enough to put your adress on. Lastly Music,you know every time you buy a magazine and its full of those adverts for Britannia music and video,save them, fill them out under a fake name using an address near to your house and send it off a couple of weeks later go to the address you sent them to and say something like "Hi sorry to bother you but Ive just had a call from my music club and they mixed the address up have they arrived here yet?" "Yes here you go" "Cheers bye" Bingo five free CDs and all the bills go to the address you gave them, they dont pay, you dont pay every ones a winner (Ha! if everyone does this it'll teach britannia to charge me £17 for a Fear Factory album) 2: How to make a huge bomb to blow up the irriating little shit near you This is kind of based on the lloyds bomb from last issue but on a larger scale. you will need 1 Jar of pottasium permanganate 1 bottle of acetone 1 bottle of glycerine flash powder sodium chlorate black powder an empty jar a bucket with a lid Step one: you need to recrystalise the pottasium permanganate into 1 large crystal (Or you'll blow you hand off) once this is done stick it in the jar it came in Step two: fill the bucket with your chosen explosive then stick the jar in the middle,make sure the explosive is about 1CM below the top of the jar. Step three: Go to where you want to blow up fill the jar with acetone,then pour a small amount of glycerine onto the pottasium permanganate, screw the top on drop into the acetone, put the bucket lid on then run like fuck What happens the p.p bursts into flames, lighting the acetone which lights every thing else which goes of in a huge explosion,I did this in a phone booth and afterwards there was hardly anything left, its very fuckin coooool!! Right there will be more next month but im knackered now if anyone wants to contact me its Gorecarrion@yahoo.com I live in birmingham and if you want to meet up give me a buzz. L8R P.S the name was inspired by Cannibal Corpse if anyone was wondering