SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE EIGHTEEN: JUNE 1999 ============================================ AGENCIES ============================================ Author : Netw0rk Bug E-Mail : bug@netw0rk.freeserve.co.uk Date : MAY 1999 ============================================ Well on the topic of the NSA i thought I would make clear that there are loads of other US intelligence and security agencies. In addition to the thirteen agencies which provide positive strategic foreign intelligence under the National Foreign Intelligence Program, it also includes tactical military intelligence and security organizations, as well as those responsible for security responses to transnational threats, to include terrorism, cyber warfare and computer security, covert employment of weapons of mass destruction, narcotics trafficking, and international organized crime. Just look at the following: ========= NATIONAL ========= EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT National Security Council Senior Director for Intelligence Programs National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection and Counter-Terrorism President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board Office of National Drug Control Policy Chemical and Biological Defense Information Analysis Center [CBIAC] Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office [CIAO] Information Infrastructure Task Force (IITF) Infrastructure Protection Task Force [IPTF] [terminated] Interagency Operational Security Support Staff National Infrastructure Protection Center [NIPC] National Interagency Counterdrug Institute (NICI) National Response Center National Response Team President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection Security Policy Board Technical Support Working Group DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE National Intelligence Council [NIC] Community Management Staff [CMS] Arms Control Intelligence Staff (ACIS) Counterintelligence Center [CIC] DCI Center for Security Evaluation [CSE] DCI Crime and Narcotics Center [CNC] DCI Counterterrorist Center (CTC) DCI Nonproliferation Center [NPC] National Counterintelligence Center [NACIC] Central Intelligence Agency Special Collection Service National Security Agency National Reconnaissance National Imagery and Mapping Agency ================== Defense Department ================== ASSISTANT TO THE SECRETARY FOR INTELLIGENCE OVERSIGHT Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Office of Emergency Preparedness Policy Assistant Secretary of Defense for C3I Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office Defense Intelligence Agency Central MASINT Office Defense Information Systems Agency National Communications System Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Defense Protective Service Official Defense Security Service Defense Security Institute US Special Operations Command Army Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence Intelligence and Security Command US Army Intelligence Center Office of the Surgeon General - NBC Defense Chemical, Biological Defense Command United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) United States Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense (USAMRICD) Military Police Corps Navy Office of Naval Intelligence Naval Security Group Command Naval Criminal Investigative Service Marine Corps Marine Corps Intelligence Activity Chemical, Biological Incident Response Force Air Force Air Force Technical Applications Center Air Intelligence Agency 9th Reconnaissance Wing 55th Wing 93rd Air Control Wing Air Force Office of Special Investigations Air Force National Security Emergency Preparedness Agency Air Force Security Forces [Security Police] Official ======================= OTHER FEDERAL AGENCIES ======================= COMMERCE DEPARTMENT CIAO - Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST - Computer Security Division Energy Department Non-Proliferation and National Security Nuclear Emergency Support Team Health and Human Services Department PHS - Public Health Service PHS/OEP - Office of Emergency Preparedness Planning PHS/OEP - Metropolitan Medical Strike Teams Justice Department OIG - Office of the Inspector General OSLDPS - Office for State and Local Domestic Preparedness Support OIPR - Office of Intelligence Policy and Review FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation NIPC - National Infrastructure Protection Center DEST - Domestic Emergency Support Team DEA - Drug Enforcement Administration NDIC - National Drug Intelligence Center USNCB - U.S. National Central Bureau Official State Department INR - Bureau of Intelligence & Research INL - Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs S/CT - Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism FEST - Federal Emergency Support Team DS - Bureau of Diplomatic Security Transportation Department USCG - US Coast Guard USCG - National Response Center USCG - Intelligence Coordination Center FAA - Federal Aviation Administration FAA/CAS - Civil Aviation Security Treasury Department Office of Intelligence Support Office of the Under Secretary (Enforcement) ATF - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms USCS - US Customs Service USSS - US Secret Service FINCEN - Financial Crimes Enforcement OFAC - Office of Foreign Asset Control FLETC - Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Official General Services Administration Federal Protective Service Office of Information Security (OIS) National Archives and Records Administration Information Security Oversight Office