_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE EIGHTEEN: JUNE 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / .Match Fuses. \ / By -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Well i must be honest, i have hardly writen anything for this issue of the magazine, it's due for compleation within a few hours and i'm just in from a party, so here i'm going to detail some very simple fuses that anybody can make. I don't think that i've written a file on these before, if i have then i'm sorry, if i haven't, that here you go: Materials: Matches String (or paper) glue Razor blade (or sharp knife) (1) Scrape all of the match heads off, i know that it might seem like tedious work, but if you want to make a fuse, then your going to have to do it. Keep all of the match powder safe somewhere (inside the match box is a good place). (2) Get your string (or paper strip) and put a VERY thin layer of glue on it, i tend to put a blob of glue on one end and scrape it down the string or paper with a knife, try to keep the layer even. (3) Wait until the glue is almost dry (about 2 minutes if the layer was thin enough and the glue is quick drying), and roll the string or paper in the match head powder, try to get it coated as fully as you can. Now take it out and let it dry compleatly. There you have it, you will need to test the burn rate since it varies depending on the size of the match powder grains and the ammout of glue etc. Tips: (1) Grind the match powder up compleatly so that there is no large pieces of match head in it, this keeps the burn rate constant. (2) Experiment with stuff like wax to make the fuse water proof but make sure that the wax coating is very thin or else it will end up putting the fuse out. (3) If your makeing a fuse from paper, NEVER roll the paper into a tube and have the match head powder on the inside, this will burn up in under a second. (4) Make sure that the glue is dry before you light the fuse (the glue will most likely be flammable).