_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE NINETEEN: JULY 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Trip Wires part# 1 \ / By PostHuman \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey all, lets imagine this, you've made the perfect explosive and you need a quick and easy way for that unsuspecting/suspecting person to experience it. why dont u make an easy trip wire? what a good question, i mean there cheap as shit, piss easy to make and do a damm good job. This will be a 3 part series with the content as follows Issue 1: Basic tripwires (this issue) Issue 2: Moderate Tripwires (electronic detonation) Issue 3: Applying techniques to landmines (make sure u get this one) This issue will deal with trip wires that ignite an explosive that can be set off by a fuse. Ideas for this are pipe bombs (look at my KNO3 fun phile), smoke bombs, gun powder etc. Apparatus --------- Explosive (one that can be set off by fuse) 9V battery Solar Ignitor/Fuse wire (solar wire prefably) Spst switch Wire Fishing line (about 20 Lb line should work fine) Method ------ 1. Buy all required parts 2. Affix parts as shown in schematics below ------------------>+ batery steel || ->- batery wool || / :==:--- <--fuse \ || / ---- spst switch--\ Operation and Use ----------------- 1. Put explosive on fuse wire / steel wool. 2. Affix fishing line to spst switch and the other side across the path to a solid object. 3. Bury explosive if desired Conclusion and Theory --------------------- The theory behind this is real simple, when the line is pulled the switch should move to the on position thus allowing the electrical current to travel through to the fuse wire causing the explosive to ignite. For alternate methods one could use a resistor/s to slow down the ignition time, or could wire it to set off many explosives at once. send any comments, questions, suggestions to posthuman@hushmail.com postHuman