_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE NINETEEN: JULY 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Gorecarrions Kronicles of Kaos \ / By Gorecarrion \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hail boys and girls out there in SWAT land,tis I gorecarrion your (un)friendly neighborhood sociopath coming at ya with part two of my Kronicles of Kaos. So sit back krank the music up loud and enjoy! Part 1: Improvised anti personal weapons, weirdly even in this day and age of violence,rape,muggings ect. Our goverment still wont let us carry blades,tasers,mace ect so I'm going to show you how to make various self defence gadjects that look totally inconspicous. 1:Go round your bedroom and scrounge up all the loose change from the bottom of your drawers, under the bed ect,sort them into individual piles then glue them together and wrap with electrical tape. bingo! a handy cosh and even the dumbest pig won't arrest someone with a roll of pennys in there pocket hahahahaha. 2:get a pencil with a decent thick lead (eyebrow pencils good) then using a pin drill carefully drill out the lead then,find a piece of metal that will fit down the hole (Try beatties or a model shop) Epoxy it in and sharpen the end. then you have a handly ice pick that does a great job on tyres,eyes ect. 3:Keep these AOHell cds that they send, then when time dictates snap it in half and go for the throat.(Thanx to Firestarter for this one.) 4:Full finger rings can easyly be sharped to a nice sharp tip, Ironically the cheaper ones are better for this as they have more steel in. 5:The gadget shop sells these little perfume sprayers that you can fill yourself, Ive found ammonia is the best thing to keep in these, as it does a good job on the eyes and the fumes can cause people to pass out Part 2: Shoplifting Shoplifting is THE easyest crime to get away with and even with more and more shops using magnetic tags,cameras ect its easy to get away with, I've found the best way to get away with shoplifting is enlist a couple of friends and do it as a group. example Last week me and a couple mates decided to hit the hmv in Birmingham as they had just stocked up on the metal section. Each of us was assigned a role I was the thief, ANARKY was the main destractor and Torak was the handoff, we entered causing a row and a comotion so the staff would look at us then whilst torak browsed the hip hop section I tipped the nod to ANARKY who lit up a "strange" smelling fag and lurched around swearing at imagenary people, whilst he was being thrown out I snagged the CDs we'd chosen and headed to the top floor, passing them to Torak on the way, as expected I was stopped by the guard as I was walking out and I kicked up a fuss "Hey man why do you assume Im a thief cos Ive got long hair, look at them fuckin ravers over there, they fuckin get all there cash from dealing extasy but you dont stop them ya fucker" This got the ravers involved and in the confusion torak just legged to the meet,and bingo a ton of free cds plus we got into a nice little fight with the ravers I insulted hahahaahahaha (I know I could have done the brittannia scam I detailed last month but they only sell wank music and I need the new deicide album,I ve got it on now and its ace,oh if theres any ravers reading this its not personal,I dont hate you as a person more as an institution,if you thought for yourself and stopped judging on apperance then I might start respecting you) Remember the three points of the anarchistic and apolitical manifesto 1: Open your eyes. and see what the politicians are doing to our world 2: Open your mouths. protest one voice can start an avalance 3: Close your hand and make a fist. strike back at those who try to keep us pinned down. Right I cant be arsed to write any more so you'll have to wait til next time kiddies L8R G0reC@rr!0n P.S If your into death metal check out my band Dead-pan,we play political grindcore in the vein of Napalm Death with a few ultra gore songs thrown in cos there cool If you want to chat meet up ect mail me at Gorecarrion@yahoo.com CYA /^\ //^\\ // \\ ___ //_____\\___ ---//-------\\-- // \\ // F.F.A \\