_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE NINETEEN: JULY 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Ciggy Fuse \ / By -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Yet another fuse for you all to make, why? 'cause fuses are a bitch to get hold of a lot of the time. This fuse is handy for larger devices, not things like fireworks or hand grenades. Materials 1 Cigarette A few boxes of matches Smarties tube Knife Tape (optional, but recommened) Sodium Chlorate and Sugar mix (1) Cut off all of the match heads and save them somewhere (in the match box is a good idea). (2) Punch some small holes into the top half of the smarties tube (about 10 holes in random places in the top half should do it). (3) Fill about 1/3 of the tube with Sodium Chlorate and sugar mix top it up with match heads, if you don't have any sodium chlorate and sugar mix, then use loads of match heads instead. (5) Cut a few "vents" near the bottom of the smarties tube, make sure that the contents of the tube don't spill out everywhere. (6) Push a cigarette into the match heads, try to get it about 1/4 into them, so when it burns down it will ignite the matches. To use: Push the tube into your explosive mixture (or place it into half a bottle of petrol for an incendiary) and remove the cigarette. Light the cigarette in the normal fashion and put it back into the smarties tube (break the filter off for added reliability), don't be a fuckwit and place it "lit end in first" unless you wish to kill yourself. Now once the ciggy burns away it will ignite the match heads, which will burn away and ignite the sodium chlorate mixture, this in turn will ingite anything that it's inserted into. The vents ensure that more flames and heat escape the tube to ignite stuff, the holes in the top half of the tube allow air to circulate around the ciggy so that it doesn't go out. Timing will depend on the ciggy, so experiment with your chosen brand. What happens if you stick the fuse into the neck of half a bottle of petrol? well the petrol ignites and burns away the bottle (assuming that you used a plastic bottle, not too sure what will happen if you use a glass bottle, possibly shatter, but i haven't tested it with glass just yet), and then burn everything around it, yeah very simple, but i thought that some of you might want a little explination as to how it works!