_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE NINETEEN: JULY 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Biological Weapons \ / By The ShadowThane \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Biological Weapons are thought to be the future of warfare, with the exception of cyber-war. It is also most probably the destructive war that can happen alongside nuclear war. One of the most likely sources of it are from Saddam Hussein, as we are all aware about after watching the Panorama about it. The potential biological warfare has is so destructive only genuine madmen would consider it. Now let's learn how to make it! Warning: if you do decide to make this stuff, I TAKE ABSOLOUTLEY NO responsability for the damages caused, injuries etc. Manufacture at your own risk! This text is purely for educational purposes. Only a complete MADMAN would do this without even thinking of the consequences. IE your victim does DIE or suffer disability, or catches AIDS. Just think. Requirements: 1x Empty Coffee Jar 1x Plastic Bowl 100s Plastic gloves 1x Bag of Sugar A small amount of bleach Big Spoon or other utable collector Wooden Spoon or other tool to help mixing Dust Masks (Incase the stuff gets airborne, you'll have some defence) Plastic Bags and elastic bands A nice warm, dark place (aka a boiler) to help the frementing process Time, and lots of it Precautions to take throughout the production of this stuff: Wear gloves, all the time. Never use the same pair more then once. Bin and wash your hands immediatley after use. Use the dust mask to protective you from the smell and possible airborne infections. BIG NOT: destroy everything after use, good way is putting in a sealed bag and giving to the garbageman to dispose of of (Its their fucking job). Ok, if you've got the above kit, then we can begin. Use the scoop to get a sample of some good, smelly rotten bacteria (I don't want to know where it came, bogs, rotten food, where ever) and place it in the plastic bowl. With the bacterium culture in the bowl, feed it with the sugar and if you are feeling adventurous, add watered down amounts of bleach (This will help make the bacteria resistant to it and many other disenfectants!). Stir the mixture in nice and thick, add water if it is too viscous, aslong as you can pour it into the coffee jar, your ok. When the culture is now and mixed, pour it into the coffee jar and seal it with the lid. and about 2 or 3 plastic bags to help make this baby air tight. Now place this in a nice warm dark place (next to a boiler is good) and leave for a week or two. Feed the culture regularly, add more culture if needbe or bleach until you think it has fremented long enough (tell tale signs are smells, change in colour, shit like that). Usage: If you are ready to use this shit, be prepared to be charged with somethink like GBH or ABH or maybe even attempted murder! Apply some of the culture to a surface you chosen victim is likely to touch (door handles, mice, etc.) and when he eats... now you know why mom made you wash your hands before you ate! You can even try dissolving it into a drink or water supply, since we never expect to catch something like this from a can of coke. Depending on the bacterium used and frementing, governs the strength, side effects, whether the person will catch cholera or diptheria like. Truly for the MadMan!