_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE NINETEEN: JULY 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Warez news \ / By Crack_UK \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first article for SWAT magazine, in past issues of SWAT (which I have been reading for some time now) I noticed that the Warez scene has been neglected, so, I will use my article to provide monthly news, reviews and anything else I can think of in relation to the UK warez scene. News. Those off you who have come into contact with Jurrasic 10, will know that there was a message on the disk from Raptor, stating that this was to be the final Jurrasic Utils, this was a real blow, as the Jurrasic utils series were fantastic, always combining hot off the shelf products with must have utilities, making the discs essential, well, it seems Jurrasic just couldn't stay away, and recently announced Jurrasic utils 11. As I'm writing this, the disc is not available, but by next month I should have a full review, but, with the normal Jurrasic standard and a little help from Dragon, I'm sure this release will be another must have. If you would like to get involved in this new release, then mail me and I'll try to point you in the right direction, Raptor in his own words is looking for 'Couriers, site owners, ftp leechers, suppliers and anyone who thinks they can contribute to keeping the Jurassic releases alive again!' He continues 'I thought this might be a good idea because there's too many groups out there who are just stuck up their own arse with self importance - I want ALL jurassic fans to be a part of every release - not just a couple of lines of text on a greets file'. So get in touch if you think you can help, my email is at the end of this article. Reviews. Dragon 2000 2x 80 Min CD's. Contents of CD(s) : Windows 98 SE Microsoft Office 2000 Premium Microsoft Publisher 2000 AudioCatalyst 2.0 Retail release ACDSee 32 version 2.4 Antiviral Toolkit Pro Version 3 build 129 Gravity 2.11 Go!Zilla 3.5 Intruder Alert '99 Jiao MPEGPlayer v3.32 PowerQuest Drive Image Pro 3.0 SiSoft SANDRA 99 Pro Professional Edition 3.5.0 SuperVoice Pro 4.0b Symantec Norton Utilities 4.0 ThumbsPlus 4.02 retail release Winamp 2.20 Windows Media Technologies 4.0 Support Windows 98: The Complete Reference Winzip 7 SR1 Winrar 2.50 The thought that has gone into this cd has resulted in a cleverly chosen set of applications and where as some Warez disks comprise of a random selection of utilities (usually chosen for there value and not there usefulness) this is not the case with Dragon 2000. The only thing not on this set of cd is a good cd-r program, such as Nero or CD-R win, but this aside, the content is flawless. Another strong point with Dragon 2000 is that you will be left wanting for nothing, you will have the latest OS from Microsoft, a high end version of the best office suite, and other high quality program, but also the convenients of Go! Zilla, Win Zip, Win amp and the like. It's not just the content of the cd that's first class, the menu system is easy to navigate and has a self-installer so you just click and watch, it doesn't look particularly impressive, but it is functional and does the job. The first cd is bootable, if you are comfortable changing the boot sequence on your BIOS. Overall, with such a well chosen set of utils, even if you own one or two of the program on this set of cd's, the rest still justifying getting your hands on it. Rating - Go get it. 9/10 If you want to know where to get a copy of Dragon 2000, give me a shout. Over on the games scene, RedHot have released Redhot games 32, most of the games on this disk are excellent, such as the great Respect Inc but, there is no point in properly reviewing this disk as it's very much down to personal taste, if you like the games on this disk, get it. Redhot Games 32 Amerzone Arcade Pool 2 Billionaire Castrol Honda Superbikes 2000 MayDay Pizza Syndicate Respect Inc Roland Garros Championship Tennis 99 Street Wars - Constructor Underworld Ultimate 8 Ball Well, that's it for this month, next month reviews of Jurrasic 11, the latest Redhot and Atomic games releases and a round up on Jurrasic's reforming and all the other news from the uk warez scene. If you think you can help Jurrasic or want to get hold of anything reviewed here, mail me on Crack_uk@iname.com