_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE NINETEEN: JULY 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Wrap up and Disclaimer \ / \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Well another month goes by, support for us grows making us stronger. Anti-Social magazines thought of the month (in issue 15) is something that i found very interesting, well ok he mentioned SWAT, and i just wanted to say that SWAT would support A-S if they where put down because of what they published, we stand for freedom of information and that's something we will support (even if it is a rival mag, if we can't both agree on something when we're both underground mags then what would the underground be comming to?). Whilst i'm on the subject of A-S mag, one of there letters was amusing, well sort of. Well here's what he said (refering to SWAT Mag): "I think they went for 5 issues without realising that phreaking wasn't crank calls" well ok so maybe we did, but back then we found it hard to get hold of any phreaking related material. and what we did find was about crank calls and shit like that, so you can't blame us for that, maybe if he'd read into the issues a little more he might have realised that. He also came up with some bollocks about how we lacked in content. That's something that i'd like him to explain, well what the fuck does he call content? maybe he doesn't understand what SWAT is all about. Oh yeah and out so-called "Boy scout organisation where people are trained", perhaps i'll use Unknown Guest as an example in this, i'm sure he won't mind. Ok UG applied to join, he had an interest in hacking, but he couldn't hack to save his life, a month or so of some kind of training (which is basically showing him some of the tips and tricks of hacking and helping out with getting him started with the basics), Unknown Guest is now a pretty good NT Hacker. So do we let people join who have an interest in hacking and then let them figure it all out for themselves? do we fuck. As a team we help each other out and get the information for our memebers that they require, as a result we call these people trainees, since they are learning and being shown the ropes by other SWATeam members, and i'm sure that's what training is. He said that he's going to knock togeather an article for AS (once he figures out what the fuck his handles going to be), that i'd love to read. Other than that i couldn't really give a fuck what people say about SWAT, yeah your all individuals, as long as i have a chance to defend the mag, i couldn't care less. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disclaimer S*W*A*T or S*W*A*T Magazine is not responsible for any actions occuring from this magazine or others.This is for informational purposes only and any actions described in this magazine are not meant to be done by the reader. So if you blow off your fingers, we aren't responsible. You are You! The informaion provided is mearly for means of entertainment, and in no way ment to instigate you to commit acts of terrorism, arson, fraud (that's ripping off the phone company or any other person(s) on plantet earth), computer misuse (that's hacking places you shouldn't or doing anything else illegal with you computer) and any other crime. Since we believe in freedom of speech it is only fare that we exercise this right, we do this by providing information that people would like to surpress. We believe that proves our right to freedom of speech. If reading such material offends you, then we only advise that you do not continue to read the magazine. If you feel that the information provided may in some way cause you to commit a crime, then once again, we can only advise you to cease reading the magazine, if the reasons are psycological then you should seek professional help. If you are mearly seeking a thrill by carrying out a crime using information you have directly or indirectly obtained from this magazine then we cannot stop you, but you will be responsible for your own actions. We will not condone nor encourage your actions, or any other illegal acts that you or others may commit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head---¬ \ <- Arm 1) 2) \/ . . 0 0..' . .<- Nails and stuff \|/ * .. . / <- Another arm | / / . /\ .. . _/\_ === <- Bomb _/\_ . < >. . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~