_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY: AUGUST 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Jumping Mines \ / By -=The Firestarter=- & JohnzBombz \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "What the fucks a jumping mine" i hear you all cry, well it's a spring loaded mine that leaps into the air and explodes, very nasty indeed. Well this idea was thought up by Johnzbombz and the two of us developed the idea using our own knowledge to come up with an effective device that would serve it's purpose of leaping into the air and exploding. This device will be build in stages so follow carefully now! Part one: The launching tube. Johnzbombz came up with a spring loaded device to launch the mine into the air. The idea was to use a nail to hold it down, I managed to work out a way to use pyrotechnics to a more effective means than a nail. For this you will need a fat plastic tube about 10cm long and a cap on one end. You'll also need some kind of spring, i'd recommend an air rifel spring myself purly because they are designed for similar tasks. Use some kind of metal plate or something to push the mine out of the tube, Drill a small hole in the center of the metal plate and thread some strong twine through it (use that green shit the military use). Drill a hole in the center on the end cap as well. Place the spring (you may need to cut it too size) into the tube, with the string running through the center. You now be able to pull the metal plate down with the string and then cause it to spring back up again once you let go of the string, so when you pull it down and let it go, the plate will fly a little way into the air. Now drill a few fairly small holes into the side of the tube. Now get a small amount of sodium chloate and sugar mixture. Pull down Put this loosly into the center of the spring and a bit in the bottom of the tube. Now pull the metal plate down onto the spring using the twine. Once done, tie the string into a few knots so that it doesn't come loose. You should now have the tube with a small ammount of sodium chloate and sugar mixture in the bottom of the tube with the spring compressed in the middle, the mtal plate should be held down firmly with the string that is also tied to the end cap. Ok now attach some wires to a solar igniter (or any other igniter) and push this through one of the holes in the tube into the sodium chlorate/sugar mixture. Now that's compleated, let's move onto... Part two: The mine itself Ok you'll need a tube that has an ever so slightly smaller diameter than the launching tube. A jar is perfect for this, since they are easier to work with. You'll also need some kind of detonater or electrical igniter (see past issues of SWAT Magazine) as well as a battery, string, two drawing pins and some wire. Firstly push the drawing pins into the jaws of the peg, when the peg is closed the pins should touch each other, now push the wires under the pins, you should now have a simple switch mechanism. Attach the peg to the inside of the jar (use tape or something like that). Now punch a small hole in the jar, thread the string through the hole and tie a small piece of wood to it (an ice lolly stick with a hole drilled into it is perfect). Push the stick in between the jaws of the peg and make sure that the simple peg switch is open. Now attach one wire from the peg to the battery, attach the other wire to the detonator, but don't attach the other wire from the battery to the detonator. Ok we're just about done. Part three: The trip wire system. Using yet another battery and a simple peg system rig up a kind of trip wire, now attach one wire from the peg to the battery and the other one to the solar igniter. Leave the other wire free. Part four: Setting up the device. First off you'll need to dig a small hole to accomadate the launching tube, usually digging away at the top soil will be all right, try to get the top of the tube just below the ground level. Attach the peg switch for the trip wire onto a pole or something similar. Now run a piece of string (or fishing wire) attached to the piece of wood for the trip switch across behind the launching tube. Attach the wire from the solar igniter to the battery. Take your mine now and pour your choice of explosive into it, anything will do for this really. Once you've just about filled it, attach a wire from the battery to the igniter/detonator. Ok so if you pull the string now, the circuit will be compleated and you'll get wasted. Ok fill the jar right up with explosive and CAREFULLY screw the lid on. Now tie the string that is attached to the mine switch to the launching tube (or to a peg in the ground), the string for this should be about two feet long. With this all rigged up, cover the launching tube hole up with leaves or any other loose material, you should also be able to use loose soil if your stuck for camoflage. Part five: When it goes off! Ok if something/somebody where to hit the trip wire that runs around the jumping mine the force would pull the piece of wood from the trip switch, this will compleat the simple circuit and cause the solar igniter to light the sodium chlorate and sugar mixture in the tube, this will burn the string away that is holding the metal plate down onto the spring. Once the string has burned away, the spring will catapult the mine into the air, at about two feet the string holding the wood between the mine switch will get pulled out, this will cause the circuit to complete, normaly it will take a moment for the detonator/igniter to go off, by this time the mine will has flown another foot into the air, between three and four feet the mine will explode. Very nasty indeed. Of course the height at which it explodes will depend on just how long the string is. So if a jar full of black powder where to explode a couple of feet from you, at about waste height (assuming your 6 foot tall) your chances of being crippled are pretty high, if it where to explode at chest height your chance of living is even higher, if it hits head hight, your dead (or seriously disfigured), abover head hight and many nasty shards or glass and shrapnel will mostly likely enter via the top of your head and exit out the bottom of your face. Like I said, nasty indeed.