_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY: AUGUST 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Gorecarrions Kronikles of kaos 2 \ / By Gorecarrion \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hail again Boys and Girls out there in SWAT land,I again return for another Kronikles of Kaos I hope you enjoyed my last two articles and stay tuned as I have a lot more mayhem in my grubby little soul O.K lets get started 1: Now that summers here I thought a good way to start is by listing my 10 favorite anarchistic things to do in summer 1: laying around in the garden drinking beer and listening to offensive music as loud as you can get away with. my three favorite annoying songs are N.W.A-fuck tha police, Deicide-Bastard of christ and Entombed-Out of hand (after three plays of this I had my three year old neighbour sing the chorus 'jesus christ lord of lies in disguise FUCK!!!' HAHAHAHAHAHA 2: Sniping at people with a supersoaker filled with ammonia or Caustic soda 3: Filling water ballons with piss or ammonia and throwing them at the annoying children that infest my neighbourhood 4: 'Accidently' putting out BBQs while pretending to water the grass 5: leaving my neighbours hose on while there out then reporting them for breaking the hose ban 6: Pissing in bottles of lemonade then leaving them around outside for the little shits I'm forced to live by. 7: Doing water pistol drive bys using piss filled water pistols 8: Selling kids cold tea in budweiser bottles (kerching!! this works all year round and is a nice source of income.) 9: Putting black powder in my next door nieghbour BBQ 10: Inviting the whole road to a BBQ and serving under cooked food so they have to spend the next day within 10 meters of the toilet. hahahaahahahahahahahahahaha Easy incenduary/demolition charges A fag packet filled with sodium chlorate,taped up and set off with a fuse makes a nice incenduary bomb and can easyly be converted to a more destructive charge by taping cans of deoderant/lighter fluid/brutane gas to the charge Explosive Ciggies If your tired of morons always trying to crash fags of you try this Gently twist the fag between two fingers until about half the tobacco has come out then pour in match powder (For a shock) or black powder/sodium chlorate (If you really want to hurt them) remember to put some tobacco back in,about 2 inches gives you enough time to get away,you dont want to be by whoever you gave this to!!!!!! These are also good for setting fire to bins/causing a diverson when shoplifting or running from the scene of the crime. Also if you see lighters left around always tinker with them to give a huge flame, seeing people with smoldering eyebrows is always good for a laugh. Lighter launcher If your bored try this Get a lenth of pipe about two feet long and drill some holes about 6 inches up,then bury this end in the ground at an angle get it so the level of soil is about an inch under the holes, then drop a couple of lit fire lighters down the pipe,check they burn ok then drop a disposable lighter down the pipe and a couple of seconds later it'll fly out at about 100 miles an hour. Fragmentation/cluster bomb Right this is dead easy to do and causes a hell of a lot of damage, First empty out a load of tea bags and fill them with sodium chlorate, then make a bog standard pipe bomb and stuff the tea bags in side along with a few nails, lead shot,air gun pellets ect. seal it then when its set off not only will nails ect fly every where but the bags of sodium chlorate will cause many small explosions/fires as well. in an enclosed space this is deadly and outside has a killing range of about 20 meters. --------------- |:_::**:::_:**::| :- sodium chlorate |:::**::_::**:::|''''''''''' *-tea bags full of s/c |:**:_::_:::**::| '-fuse |:**::_::::**:::| _-nails ect --------------- /\ //\\ // \\ // \\ ____//______\\____ ---//--------\\--- // \\ // F.F.A \\ Right thats all for this month, to chat complain ect its Gorecarrion@yahoo.com laters guys G0REC@RR!0N