_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY: AUGUST 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Deathbringers Handbook \ / By Deathbringer \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [This entire handbook is used in SWAT Magazine with permission] it should include at some time: the perfect assassination weapon how to make a ray gun (I mean it!!!!) Impact sensitive explosives Dead easy to make explosives How to build a cruise missile (bet ya can't wait) Escaping from school Napalm (man you'll like this one !!!!) Revenge Breaking in A simple but veeeery effecyive crossbow A blow gun Special arrows to put in your cross bow Making a hover craft ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Apologies to the Jolly Roger, who ever you are This was written to only be a source of entertainment (but who the hell ever reads this bit anyway) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The perfect assassination weapon What you need: A thin syringe (try your schools science lab when teach ain't looking) A dead stinging insect (not squished) An inflating pin (maybe) A deadly nightshade plant (or anything else poisonous as long as it's natural) What to do: 1: dissect the insect and remove the sting 2: put the inflating pin in the syringe and secure it 3: carefully put the sting in the end of the pin 4: stab the end in the deadly nightshade berry 5: cap the spike (to be on the safe side) 6: find the enemy 7: aim carefully (you don't wan kill some innocent little brat now do you?) 8: slam the plunger down hard 9: make up an excuse like "oh my god there was a wasp on your back just then" 10: walk calmly away 11: watch the news Notes: this is great because 1- you get off Scot free:) 2- you get out of school/work while loads of scientists come to look for the 'deadly killer bee' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- How to make a ray gun -by deathbringer (This is based on theory only but is damn powerful if it works) What you need: A large hologen torch About 10 large magnifying glasses Duck tape A hacksaw What to do: 1 put all the magnifying glasses in a line 2 saw of all the handles except the two at each end 3 turn the torch on:) Enjoy ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Impact sensitive explosive (geff) -by deathbringer This is absolutely lethal!!! Be careful (im not shure if it works ,some say yes,some say no) What you need: Flour Water Salt Vinegar Plastic bag Expensive oil paint What to do: 1 weigh out 1 pound of flour 2 add water until it's the consistency of toothpaste 3 add 2 table spoons of salt 4 add 4 table spoons of vinegar 5 add more water until its like sludge 6 knead it a lot 7 add paint (I don't know how much but use a fair ol bit) 8 put in the plastic bag and knead it some more to mix it in good 9 leave to set for about an hour Notes: this is not set 0ff by heat or electricity but is by violent impacts such as being hit with a hammer (not recommended) or adding a fire cracker which will set it off. This makes it useful as a booster for a smaller device WARNING: after 2 years it breaks down and explodes on its own ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Simple bombs This isn't very safe but is dead easy to make You need: A tennis ball About 1000 (non-safety) matches A sparkler (or any other fuses you have) What to do: 1 drill a small hole in the ball 2 cut the heads off all the matches 3 fill the ball up with them 4 ram the sparkler in the 'top' 5 light and run Notes: try sealing the hole up with tape and throwing the damn thing. Or powder the heads to add a bit more of a kick. Another thing is to add tipp ex to make it burn well or napalm to make it burn damn well Have fun ----------------------------------------------------------------------- How to build a CRUISE MISSILE! (u¬) Exercise extreme caution with this one- it'd make a good anti-tank weapon:) What you need: A model rocket About 5 engines Some match powder A pipe (it needs to fit in the rocket whith room each side) Polystyrene Geff (not a lot) 2 discs of storng metal that you can wedge in the rocket ball bearings a drain pipe a bit of metal that fits on the end of the pipe a sparkler duck tape damn that's a lot-but its worth it:)! What to do (finally) 1 fit the engines into the rocket and attach the fuse 2 put in one of the metal discs in front of the engines 3 fill the small pipe whith match powder 4 put the 'pipe bomb' in the rocket and fill the cavity around its side whith balls 5 wedge another disc in over it 7 make a 'nose cone' out of polystyrene and hollow it out from behind 8 fill the nosecone whith geff and attach it with duck tape That's your rocket. Fire it like that if you want or make the launcher 1 drill a hole in the large disc 2 attach it to the back of the pipe whith more trusty duck tape 3 slide in your rocket (it may need more fins to steady it) so the fuse pokes out the back 4 aim it at the nearest petrol station and light the fuse this should really only be used if you are very phucked have a (big) blast! :) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- school escapes 1 flush some pure sodium down the bog and run- they'll have to call the hazodrus chemicals squad to investigate it 2 put a few chlorene tablets in the water supply (if very disturbed hide outside the pe showers and wait for the screaming) (u¬) 3 ring up and say something like "zimon zez zere iz ay bomb in van offf za lockerz vich vill go ov in 24 hourz" 4 put a smoke bomb in a coridoor, go to your lesson.AND WAIT! 5 when the (sad) day comes that you leave school don't forget to put little blobs of geff in vases, lights etc then 2 years later pop-bang whose doing that-zing blam-oh no run Have fun ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Napalm This shit is nasty-it can burn in just about anything even under water simply because it provides its own fuel, heat and oxygen (that's what a fire needs to keep burning-every anarchist should know a little science) and what is the recipe for this all powerful weapon of death and destruction? huh? Well its: Soap flakes and petrol What?????: Simply add soap to petrol until it turns into a nice thick goo, then add it to a bomb and run-if you get any on you its almost impossible to put out (u¬) Be careful with that now ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Revenge (how to totally boogeh an ass hole) HEALTH WARNING-DO NOT LET THE VICTIM KNOW ITS YOU! - Ring up companies that supply industrial chemicals in large amounts and say " hi my names (ass holes name here) and I need 12 tons of limestone for a building project delivered to (ass holes address here) by about 3 am-don't be late now" then get up early and sit near his house (you better be well hidden-hell be totally phucked) and wait . they'll either deliver the stuff and bugger off (fun) or ask him to sign for it (then a very angry trucker lays him out for being dragged out of bed in the morning for nothing)(u¬) - (THIS ONE MAY NOT BE POSSIBLE) Get mega phreak from my site and use it - E-mail him huge files that say nothing - Put bombs in his garden (they do wonders whith the front lawn(u¬)) - Cut his car in half whith thermite - Shoot his house whith a rocket launcher (at night!) - Draw a swastika,anarchy symbol or anything else nasty on his lawn in napalm and light it - Beige box him and leave the fone off the hook - Connect a blotto box to his line only - Poison his pets (or even better use laxatives!!!!) - --------------------------------------------------------------------- Quietly breaking in (warning-may result in prosecution that is if you don't use these methods) 1-the watch: watch the house and make sure they're out (preferably on holiday) 2- make your own way in: screw picking the lock-too obvious- instead put sellotape all over a window then gently crack it into small bits and peel off the tape (the window should come off with it) 3- the catch: take gloves, plastic bags, a bomb (optional) and an innocent looking sports bag-head for the living room then bedrooms and lift every thing vaguely shiny or electric Come out the back way, over the fence, in the car and away (don't speed-if you get stopped then they'll want to search the motor and a bag full of shinies and electric's is slightly suspicious. Notes: put the plastic bags around your feet so you don't leave footprints (you'll look like a twat but at least you don't get caught). Wear the gloves-even in this day and age some idiots still get caught for fingerprints. If the resident is on holiday any guard dogs should be in kennels-BUT BEWARE: The pet sitter if any one goes to the place regularly then forget it (or take a deathbringer-brand assassination weapon) Oh yeah- if there's an alarm don't bother but neighbourhood watch areas (just about all of England is by now) are safe because no-one actually does that anyway ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A cross bow - by deathbringer Most of the other things here aren't actually tested and are really based on common sense but this is A REAL 100% PAIN-GAURANTEED WEAPON. Its range is about 10 meters and it could probably kill something at close range here it is You will need 2 thin but strong planks of wood Nails Garden canes Strong elastic (the white stuff they sell in super markets or sewing shops) How to make it: 1 cut a chunk out of one (longer) plank big enough for the second to fit in 2 slot the second in and nail it 3 put 2 nails in the end of the cross bar it should look like this ================== [ N o o N]-Nails sticking out ================== I I \ I I Should all be level I I I I I I I I I___I Now tie elastic round the sticking out nails and bend them down and put another through the elastic at each join 4 that should do for a nice looking cross bow now take a garden cane (make sure its pretty long) and plane down the ends to sharpen them 5 now put one in the elastic and hold the bottom of the bow and pull it back as far as it will go-crap huh? Try putting two nails in the main body just as far apart as the width of the arrow these can steady it while aiming ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A blow gun - by deathbringer What you need: A thin bit of pipe A pencil Tape A ball haeded pin What to do This is a pretty power ful weapon and can be upgraded to have a poisnos tip 1 hit the pencil whith something heavy and pull a bit of lead out of the front 2 shove in the pin back-first 3 tape it in to make shure 4 put it down the pipe and blow hard on the oter end - the deathbringer - --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL ARROWS -by deathbringer 1 drill a small hole in the front of an arrow then attach a ball head pin so it looks like a big blowgun dart 2 put a bit of geff on the front 3 put some cotton wool and napalm on the front 4 make a metal head from a cut up coke can rectus dominus!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Making a hovercraft -by deathbringer Ok so iys not really anarchy but if you live near water it could be used for escape You need A big board of wood A propellor (a BIG one) Rubber sheets Two big engines A pole Another propellor(sorry forgot) Metal grids able to fit the propellors in Ok, now to make it 1 cut a hole in the board of wood near the back 2 fit one engine so the bit it turns faces down through the hole then fit a propellor on the bottom and cover it whith a metal grid 3 fit the other engine on a tripod and fix it to the back so it can rotate easily then fix the pole on for a rudder 4 Put the skirt thing on (made from rubber) have phun ====================================================