_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY: AUGUST 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Review of: Virus Remover \ / By -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok I said to Smurf that i'd review his new program, so here it is! Right, as the name sugests it's a virus detector, which isn't strictly true. It actually detects and removes several trojans from your system, it's fast and doesn't run through each and every file like The Cleaner does. So what does it detect? Hack-a-tack, Happy 99, Back Orofice, Wincrash and Netbus (as long as it's still called patch.exe), it's a very simple trojan remover and according to Smurf it will be updated VERY soon to include a lot more trojans. I suppose if your after a "quick fix" to trojan infections then this program will do the job quite well. In the long run though i'd recommed that you got a better trojan remover, but then again the program does state that. All in all it's a simple program that works and is very easy to use. You can download it from www.datoware.com or www.swateam.org/reviewed/swat20 It'll be of some use to most of you!