_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY: AUGUST 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Anarchistic things to do \ / By Deathbringer \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \i/ -o- /i\ I OOO O O ODEATHO OBRINGER O O O O O OOO =THATS SUPPOSED TO BE A BOMB= Hi im the deathbringer from F.A.T. (Fight Against THEM) and this is my thing for swat mag. Ill probably do more some time DISCLAIMER Anarchy rules and racisit people will be mercylessley annialated zlowly unt painvully bevore bvekvast Oh yeah i didnt do it!!! Anyway onto my article coal bombs Ok i havent tried it (i havent got any handy) but on the discovery channel this program said that powderd coal was 60 times more EXPLOSIVE than petrol. Woo hooo!-you know what to do anarchy stuff: I had to stay in plymouth for a couple of weeks recently for the eclipse (which i couldnt see because of 2 miles of clouds) and i was cut off from the internet,sky tv and porn,so i came up whith some anarchistic things to do, heres the list (some are taken from other sources including past swat mags but thats what i wrote so ill bung em in anyway.) 1:Drill a hole in a ping pong ball then funnel in some explosive, Then put a bit of sparkler in the hole,there a nice looking bomb (try using coal powder for the explosive!) 2: spray paint anarchy signs everywhere 3:spit gum on the floor-prefrably carpet 4:prize buttons out of computer keyboards wiv a knife and clip em back in the wrong way-phunny! 5:let peoples car tyres down 6:make prank calls to enemies(apparently not called phreaking) 7:order the enemy some gay porn/industrial drums of manure 8:hold a coin wiv tweezers,cook it wiv a lighter then drop it near a scav and wait 9:put bits of geff (go to www.fightwinhail.com download deathbringers hanbook and look for geff) in vases and stuff, wait two years then whatch as the phun starts 10:send e-mail to the enemy from Y0ur_W0r$+ N1gHtm@r£ 11:this one was crap 12:so was this 13:get a spray can,tape down the lid and light the spray then leave it behind,when the pressure runs down-boooom 14:get under somones car and cut the petrol line/brake line 15:enemy got a cat? good break in and put catnip stuff(or something similar that attracts cats) all over thier favorite chairs 16:get through a whole day of school using quotes from mystery science theater 3000 17: make a lynx bomb out of a big gas cylinder 18:arse there,if you wanna e-mail me its:m_deathbringer@hotmail.com or try my website(its crap and i dont know how to change it so itll always be the same)www.fightwinhail.com end of phile end of phile dammit stop reading or be destroyed! AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEE