_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY: AUGUST 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Having fun on a small rural village \ / By Brakis \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The tone of this article may make you think that SWAT has started to revert to it's old style of concussion pin exploding,crank calling early days but to those that think that I say FUCK OFF AND DIE Swat never really changed and inspite of what ph.uk would have you believe just now we really don't give a fuck. So if you really wan't to stick a cucumber up your arse, walk around thinking how immature I am being by writing this then please go and read anti-social who I am sure will be greatful for the readership after SWAT magazine pretty much fucked them this month by beating beating there Daily hits by something like 10 fold For this you are going to need one live dog (yes dog as in hound, mut etc). You will also need to make sure the village you are targeting is reasonably full of female bitches (and for those 733t h4ck3rz wh0 3njoy us1ng derogotory terms and stupid spellings then I will need to explain that I do in fact mean female dogs and not an ordinary woman) and just to pep up the villagers day you will need one viagra pill. Just feed it to the dog and the poor bastard will be out to rodger the life out of anything that moves. Quick I know but hay it's a laugh Brakis