________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY ONE: SEPTEMBER 1999_________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Tripwires Part II \ / PostHuman \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [This article should have been in issue 20, due to a mix up it ended] [Up in issue 21, sorry about all that!] Back for some more booby traps fun hey? Well your in luck, this is part 2 of my trip wires series. This issue we will be covering electronic detonation for attached explosive devices. Okay, this way can be difficult to come by some parts, so ill include a second part for powder-based high explosives. Part A: Electronic Detonation (Blasting caps) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Apparatus --------- Explosive 9V battery Blasting Cap Spst switch Wire Fishing line (about 20 lbs should work fine) Method ------ ..This is similar to the first file, only we run a current to a blasting cap with is the detonator for the explosive.. 1. Buy all parts 2. Affix parts as shown in schematics below ------------------>+ batery blast || ->- batery cap || / :==:--- \ || / ---- spst switch--\ }Notice the similarity between the steelwool/fuse version, its just a matter of changing a couple of things, if you got real cheap you could just rewire the original{ Operation and Use ----------------- 1. Attach blasting cap on explosive and wire circuit to blasting cap. 2. Affix fishing line just like in previous article. 3. Bury explosive if desired. Conclusion and Theory --------------------- The theory behind this is real simple, when the line is pulled the switch should move to the on position thus allowing the electrical current to travel through to the fuse wire causing the blasting cap to do what it does best, go kaboom! For alternate methods one could use a resistor/s to slow down the ignition time, or could wire it to set off many explosives at once. If you really want to be creative you could put a radio-controlled switch on the circuit as an arming switch, enabling you to disable/enable the device from a distance. (anyone who does this/or knows how to do this please mail me as im interested in learning how to). Part B: Powdered Explosives ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Apparatus --------- Powdered Explosive 9V Batter Solar Ignitor / Fuse Wire Spst switch Wire Fishing line (about 20 lbs should work fine) Method ------ ..This is similar to the first file, only we run a current to a blasting cap with is the detonator for the explosive.. 1. Buy all parts 2. Affix parts as shown in schematics below ------------------>+ batery || ->- batery Fuse || / :==:--- \ Wire || / ---- spst switch--\ Operation and Use ----------------- 1. Run the 2 wires into bomb, and join them with fuse wire/solar ignitor 2. Affix fishing line just like in previous article. 3. Bury explosive if desired. Conclusion and Theory --------------------- The theory behind this is real simple, when the line is pulled the switch should move to the on position thus allowing the electrical current to travel through to the explosive causing it to explode (funny thing for a bomb to do). When the circuit is complete the fuse wire/solar ignitor creates heat causing it to ignite the bomb. As b4 for alternate methods one could use a resistor/s to slow down the ignition time, or could wire it to set off many explosives at once. If you really want to be creative you could put a radio-controlled switch on the circuit as an arming switch, enabling you to disable/enable the device from a distance. (anyone who does this/or knows how to do this please mail me as im interested in learning how to). send any comments, questions, suggestions to posthuman@hushmail.com postHuman