________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY ONE: SEPTEMBER 1999_________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Beating WinLock \ / By DeathBringer \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \i/ -o- /i\ I OOO O O O O ODEATH O OBRINGER O O O O O OOOO -That gets worse every time- How to beat winlock I discoverd this a while ago whith the help of a friend (I'll call him c.j for now because he hasnt got a alias) Its great for all you school terrorists out there.In order to beat it the computer needs the following: Windows(duh) Winlock(duher) Microsoft word Now go into the start menu and to 'open office document' now, down the bottom where it says office files or some shit like that change it to-all files(*) now select the program and run it! you could go into paint and change the wallpaer to a anarchy sign or write bomb instructions in notepad and leave them in some obvious place.This method also works for acsessing the a drive (the schools lock it because they dont want someone to put a a virus on) so you can read the anarchists cookbook in a lesson.Remember that winlocks still on so if a teacher comes hit the x and carry on working and nothing looks wrong-ha ha WARNING:Any type of 'hacking'(thats what theyll call it ((cause it teachers are actually thick as shit when it comes to computers)) if you get caught belive me) is usually agaist the highest school rules-but rules where made for breaking.. theres always a massive space down here and i dont know why!