________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY ONE: SEPTEMBER 1999_________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Distruping the... School System \ / By -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [ yes i did find it hard to compile this issue of SWAT mag, this file ] [ Was never intended to be put in this issue, or any issue for that ] [ matter, but since it's the time when a lot of you go back to ] [ School, College and Uni, i thought "what the hell" and popped ] [ it in here, so enjoy it, and remember, your not supposed to ] [ repeat, NOT SUPPOSED TO annihilate your school! ] Yeah i know i left school years ago, but i was reading how some anarchist organisations target school kids and get them to rebel against stuff, so i decided that perhaps SWAT should have a go at that and give some of you something to do when you return to school in September. I'll list some of the stuff that i've actually done in the past and some stuff that i have seen done, or taken part in. Arson. Much fun can be had by setting fire to stuff, a simple incendiary device that was once made by myself and a few others was a load of match heads (about 200) put into a paper envelope with a birthday candel inserted into it. The candel was lit and left to burn somewhere, once it burned away, the paper ignited and lit the matches, a result of smoke and flames soon followed! Bins are perfect for setting fire to, ok you can drop a load of burning matches into a bin and it will go up in flames, that's the easiest way to do it, but also the most likely way to get you caught. Instead cut a load of match heads off and put them into the tray section of the match box along with a load of pottasium permanganate, now add a few drops of anti freeze, pop the tray back into the sleeve and drop into your nearest bin. For best results, dump it in those recycling bins that all schools have at the back (why so few people actually set fire to them is a mystery) Chemstry labs are good places to set ablaze if you wish to have half your school annihilated with an explosion that will usually follow. Knock up any form of large incendiary device and sneak into the store room at the nearest possible oppertunity, place it near or in the cupboard where the volatile chemicals are stored, set the timer for a few hours and leave it there, if left undiscovered then late that night your chemisty lab will burn to the ground. Computer systems. Here you have two choices, 1: infect the systems with a virus, that is the best bet for schools without that lame restriction programs, 2: sneak into that room where the main server is and give the midi tower a good knock, just slam it against the floor, hopefully the hard drive will get a good few physical errors. If you can get onto the computer, just format the hard drive. A strong magnet works wonders on monitors, turn it off and hold a magnet pressed against the center of teh screen, now turn the monitor back on. Oh dear they have to fork out a few thousand for all the computers in the IT department. If you get the opertunity to get into the room where all of the software is kept (windows 95, office 2000 shit like that), either steal the CD's or take a lighter/knife to them and fuck them up beyond all recognition, hmm perhaps this room could do with being set on fire? i'll leave that for you to decide. The school itself. Get a group of about 5 friends togeather and take a trip to your school one night, once there take a bat to each and every window you can reach, yep, smash them all. Throw anything like bricks into windows that you can't reach. Hell a molotov cocktail into the art store window should go down well (all that paper). Spray paint is good fun, write stuff like " is a fuck head" and " will be killed" as well as any slogans that you can think of. Write the word "CUNT" in big bold red letters along a wall that faces a main foot path or road. Weed killer can work a treat on the football field, although any follower of SWAT Magazine will know that much more fun can be had with weedkiller rather than killing all of the grass. So save the sodium chlorate type for the next section and use a "non official" weedkiller like Nirox or any other paint stripper, also make sure that you use that on painted surfaces or parked cars. If you get the chance, put a FULL can of spray paint into a bag of sodium chlorate weedkiller and sugar, ignite the mixture and thrown the bag into a room. The smoke will get the shool evac'd and the explosion will cause masses of panic, only when the smoke clears will they see that the head teachers office is coated in red paint. Explosives. Take a jar of potassium permanganate and pour some glycerin into it, now screw the lid on and flush it down the toilet. Trust me on that one!. Feel free to add any other explosives to the jars contents. Break into the school at night and pick a room at random (usually the one you broke into), now place a large jar half full of sodium chlorate and sugar as well as about 1000 small mails in the center of the room, add a fuse, light it and run like fuck. Hey presto, that room will need a lot of effort put into it to make it habitable again, hell why stop at one jar bomb? make a dozen and wrack more rooms. (Hmm wonder what damage it would do to the IT department). Rooms that are the most valuble (when hitting the school at night): IT Department. Forget about steeling the computers, throw the midi towers on the floor and jump on them a few times, also take a hammer to the screens of the moitors, BE WARNED there is a vaccuum inside the screen, it will implode, then explode. so wear eye protection. If your school is on a network, use bolt cutters to fuck over the cable, or rig up a cable to plug into the main electricity, 240v won't do the network cards much good! Art Department. Find the supply cupboard and touch it, molotov cocktails will ensure that most work gets destroyed. Use the paint there to vandalise the room, pour ink every where and genrally smash up anything that is break able. Woodwork Department. Wood and molotov cocktails lead to large fires, figure that one out for youself. Metal work Department. Steal tools here for smashing your school up with. Library. Ohh all those books, all made of paper, tourch the lot. Music Department. Hammers, bolt cutters and knives will really fuck over anything in there, wooden instruments can be piled up in the center of the room and set on fire, pianos can have all there strings cut and a hammer brought down several times onto the keys should fuck it up, sheet music can be set alight. Science lab. Find out what concentrated acids do when splashed all over things. Once you've turned all of the gas taps on and smashed up the supply cupbard (once you stole anything valuble) leave the room with an incendiary device to finish the job off. Coridoors. They should be used as a testing ground for throwing stuff, try seeing who can throw a bottle of concentraied hydrocholic acid the furthest. Pur paint all over the walls and test drive a "Down the Road Missile" using a spray paint can. Misc rooms. Yep all those classrooms can have epoxy resin poured into the locks and then the windows shashed with molotovs thrown in for good measure. Teachers. I don't care what people say, most teachers are compleat fuck heads. There are a select few who are really good and let you learn. Others are total cunts, it's those whom we shall target. If your lucky then they will ride a bike home, you can either slsh the tyres, steal the bike or beat the living shit out of them on the way home. If the teachers drives a car, find out where they live and fire bomb it, if they live too far away, fire bomb it at school. Crank call them, card stuff to there house, accuse them of making sexual advances towards you (doesn't matter whether your male or female). School riots. Yes everybody goes on about them, but no body actually does it, so why not do something slightly less destructive? get the whole school (or maybe just 70 people) to go to a single area or class room at a certain time of the day, i once saw about 200 pupils all flock to a french room after lunch, it was funny watching the teachers trying to get them all out, as a rule most teachers are shit are organising things, and 200 people not listening to them just makes it harder for them this can disrupt classes for hours, or until the police are called in to sort it out. Force open lockers and rip up any books in there, get any clothing and stuff it down the toilet, and destroy anything else. Take a load of paper (of the clothes you took from the lockers) and stuff them down the toilets, once your sure that it's blocked them all up, fluch the lot. Pout plaster of paris down the sinks and turn on the taps, hell try to remove the pipes from the taps with the aid of pliers. Set off all the fire extingushers, use bits of string to hold the handels down (yep all the water, foam, powder and CO2 ones), the cost to the school will be astronimical. Find that kid in the school that always picks on the other kids, then one lunch time when he's alone taking a piss, beat the shit out of him with something. Just throw salt into his eyes and smash his head into the urinal a few times, once he's bleeding like a stuffed pig kick the shit into him and then leave. It helps if there are a few of you to help out. Don't worry about his friends, he'll be in hospital for a while and his friends will suspect either some weedy kid or some guy that's so hard they'll forget there so-called friend had 5 teeth knocked out and his jaw broken. If your too afraid to do that, just wait until he beats you up in class and when he has his back to you, beat the cunt with a chair until your dragged off him. Normally a few blows to the head will do some permanent damage, so just hit him in the chest and crack a few ribs. Well i think that's the best ways to disrupt the school system. Hope you all find it informative.