|\====================================================================/| | \ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTYONE : September 1999 / | | \________________________________________________________________/ | | /================================================================\ | | /===========Hacking RM Networks In Your School, Part II============\ | |/==========================by syZtem Krash===========================\| Hi, as promised by me, here is hacking RM part II! I guess you know the drill by now - i take no responsibility for you actions......;) This section is about back orifice and financial gain (skamz ;). I know that most of you will be saying that using tools like back orifice and netbus are lame, but the truth is that they are one of the best ways to hack RM. This is because all you need is the IP adress, and that isn't hard to get (In fact me and one of my friends have made a database of all of the IP addresses and hostnames, and we may be adding a column that shows which machines are BO'ed ;) Financial gain is one of the most piss easy things to do on the face of the planet. EVERYONE has got somethinhg other that they'd rather be kept quiet, right? Well, sell the workareas that I told you about in part one at a profit. If your skool uses 'printer credits', to limit the number of prints that you can make before you have to buy (yes actually BUY - YEAH RIGHT!!!!!) more credits. The good news is that these workareas usually come with a load of free credits - I'm sure that I don't gotta tell you what to do next. Back Orifice ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The good thing about BO and other tools like it are that they are so piss easy to use!! All you have to do is install the server component on the target machine and then you are away with the GUI!! some good things that you can do are: *You can steal other ppl's work, by opening an HTTP server, and instead of putting c: as the root directory, you have to put n: (or the network drive where your work is stored. Then you have to open up the internet explorer and BAM! you now have access to some ones MyWork folder! *Delete other ppl's work (I'm sure you can do THIS). This is good after you have 'borrowed' someones w0rk! >:-) hehehe *If you really want to get somone in the shit, then you can open command.com on a port (app add), i find port 8000 works well. After this all you have to do is open telnet, connect to the remote machine, and type in the format command: C:\>format c: /y this will totally format the remote machines HD!! (in the words of Austin Powers - Yeah Baby! Yeah!) Hell, im knackered, and i don't wanna spoil all of you discovery fun, so i'll leave something to your imagination at least ;) if you are really desperate for BO Hacks, then I suppose that you can contact me ;) ======================================================================== syZtem Krash ICQ: 45390844 E-mail: syztem_krash@hotmail.com