________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY ONE: SEPTEMBER 1999_________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Trojan Ports \ / Presented By -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I found this list on a web site, i didn't add anything to it. But emjoy anyway. NetBus 1.x (avoiding Netbuster): 12346 NetBus Pro: 20034 BackOriffice: 31337 SubSeven: 1243 NetSphere: 30100 Deep Throath: 6670 Master Paradise: 31 Silencer: 1001 Millenium: 20000 Devil 1.03: 65000 NetMonitor: 7306 Streaming Audio Trojan: 1170 Socket23: 5000 Socket25: 30303 Gatecrasher: 6969 Telecommando: 61466 Gjamer: 12076 IcqTrojen: 4950 Priotrity: 16969 Vodoo: 1245 Wincrash: 5742 Wincrash2: 2583 Netspy: 1033 ShockRave: 1981 Stealth Spy: 555 Pass Ripper: 2023 Attack FTP: 666 GirlFriend: 21554 Fore: 50766 DeltaSource (DarkStar): 6883 Tiny Telnet Server: 34324 Kuang: 30999 SennaSpyTrojans: 11000 Backdoor: 1999 WebEx: 1001 UglyFtp: 023456 TrojanCow: 2001 TheSpy: 40412 Striker: 2565 Silencer: 1001 RoboHack: 5569 RemoteWindowsShutdown: 53001 Prosiak 0.47: 22222 ProgenicTrojan: 11223 PortalOfDoom: 9872 InIkiller: 9989 IcqTrojan: 4950 BladeRunner: 5400 The tHing: 6400 PsyberStreamingServer: 1509 Phineas: 2801 Indoctrination: 6939 HackersParadise: 456 Doly Trojan 1.1+1.2: 1011 FTP99CMP: 1492 Shiva Burka: 1600 BigGluck, TN: 34324 Hack´99 KeyLogger: 12223 iCkiller: 7789 iNi-Killer: 9989 Portal of Doom: 9875 Master Paradise: 40423 BO jammerkillahV: 121 AOLTrojan1.1: 30029 Hack'a'tack: 31787 The Invasor: 2140 SpySender: 1807 The Unexplained: 29891 Bla: 20331 FileNail: 4567 Coma: 10607 Shitheep: 69123 Bla1.1: 1042 HVL Rat5: 2283 BackConstruction1.2: 5400 Doly Trojan 1.30 (Subm.Cronco): 1010 Doly Trojan 1.5 (Subm.(Cronco): 1015 Trojan Spirit 2001 a: 33911 Vampire 1.0: 6669 Maverick's Matrix: 1269 Total Eclypse (FTP): 3791 OOTLT: 5011 Eclipse 2000: 12701 Wingate (Socks-Proxy): 1080