SWAT Magazine Issue Twenty One September 1999 _____________________________________ ) | ( ( Title | The 8086/8 instruction set ) ) By | Lithium Joe ( ( Email | zetnet.admin@england.com ) ) Date | July 1999 ( (_______|_____________________________) I have wrote out a list of all the 8086/8 asm codes there are and what there equal to. print it out and keep it handy coz it comes in useful when cracking programs or just learning asm... ______________________________________________________________________________ Comman| Discription of command | What its equal to ______|_________________________________________________|_____________________ AAD | ASCII adjust/division. | AAM | ASCII adjust/multiplication. | AAS | ASCII adjust/ subtraction. | ADC | ADD with carry. | ADD | Addition. | AND | Bitwise AND. | CALL | Perform Subroutine. | CBW | Convert byte to word. | CLC | Clear Carry Flag. | CLD | Clear Direction Flag. | CLI | Clear Interrupt Plag. | CMC | Complement Carry Flag. | CMP | Arithmetic Compare. | CMPSB | Compare String, Byte. | CMPS | Compare String, Word. | CWD | Cnvrt word 2 doublewrd. | DAA | Dec Adjust/Additon. | DAS | Dec Adjust/Subtraction. | DEC | Decrement. | DIV | Divide. | ESC | Escape into CPU. | HLT | HALT. | IDIV | Integer Divide. | IMUL | Integer Multiply. | IN | Input from port. | INC | Increment. | INT | Interrupt. | INTO | Interrupt on Overflow (flag = OF). | IRET | Interupt Return. | JA | Jump if Above (CF and ZF are reset) | == JNBE. JAE | Jump if Above or Equal (CF is reset) | == JNB. JB | Jump if Below (CF is Set) | == JC, JNE. JBE | Jump if Bleow or Equal (CF or ZF are set) | == JNA. JC | Jump on Carry (CF is set) | == JB, JNAE. JCXZ | Jump if CX is Zero. | JE | Jump if Equal (ZF is set) | == JZ. JG | Jump if Greater ((SF = OF) or ZF is reset)| == JNLE. JGE | Jump if GT or Equal (SF = OF) | == JNL. JL | Jump if LT (SF != OF) | == JNGE. JLE | Jump if LT or Equal (SF != OF) or (ZF set) | == JNG. JMP | Jump. | JNA | Jump if Not Above (CF or ZF is set) | == JBE. JNAE | Jump if Not Above or = (CF set) | == JB, JC. JNB | Jump if Not Below (CF is clear) | == JNC. JNE | Jump if Not Equal (ZF clear) | == JNZ. JNG | Jump if Not Greater (SF != OF) or ZF is set | == JLE. JNGE | Jump if Not Greater or =(SF != OF) | == JL. JNL | Jump if Not Less (SF = OF) | == JGE. JNLE | Jump if Not Less or = (SF = OF) or ZF is clear| == JG. JNO | Jump if No Overflow (OV reset). | JNP | Jump on No Parity (PF reset) | == JPO. JNS | Jump on No Sign (SF is clear). | JNZ | Jump if Not Zero (ZF set) | == JNE. JO | Jump on Overflow (OF set). | JP | Jump on Parity (PF set) | == JPE. JPE | Jump on Parity Even (PF set) | == JP. JPO | Jump on Parity Odd (PF reset) | == JNP. JS | Jump on Sign (SF set). | JZ | Jump on Zero (ZF set) | == JE. LAHF | Load AH with FLAGS. | LDS | Load DS. | LEA | Load Effective Address. | LES | Load ES register. | LOCK | LOCK bus for next instruction. | LODSB | Load Byte form String into AL. | LODSW | Load Word form String into AX. | LOOP | CX based loop. | LOOPE | CX & ZF based loop if equal. | LOOPNE| CX & ZF based loop if Not Equal. | LOOPNZ| CX & ZF based loop if Zero. | LOOPZ | CX & ZF based loop while Zero. | MOV | Move Contents. | MOVS | Move String using SI and DI. | MUL | Multiply. | NEG | Negate (2s complement). | NOP | No Operand. | NOT | Logical NOT. | OR | Logical OR. | OUT | AL or AX out to port. | POP | POP stack to operand. | POPF | POP stack to FLAGS. | PUSH | PUSH operand to stack. | PUSHF | PUSH flags to stack. | RCL | Rotate operand left through CF. | RCR | Rotate operand right through CF. | REP | REPEAT string instructions while CX. | RET | RETURN from CALLED subroutine (POP from STACK). | ROL | Rotate Operand Left. | ROR | Rotate Operand Right. | SAHF | Store AH into FLAGS. | SAL | Arithmatic Shift Left. | SAR | Arithmatic Shift Right. | SBB | Subtract with Borrow. | SCASB | Scan String for Byte (using CX). | SCASW | Scan String for Word (using CX). | SHL | Shift Operand Left. | SHR | Shift Operand Right. | STC | Set CF. | STD | Set DF (direction Flag). | STI | Set Interrupt Flag (enable maskable interrupts).| STOSB | Copy AL to contents of DI. | STOSW | Copy AX to contents of DI. | SUB | Subtract. | TEST | AND operands, FLAGS only. | WAIT | Wait for external interrupt. | XCHG | Swap contents of two operands. | XLAT | Swap using 256-byte table pionted to by BX. | XOR | Logical XOR. | ______|_________________________________________________|_____________________