________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY-TWO: OCTOBER 1999 ________ / \______________________________________________/ \ / Hacking into a Win95/98 computer with Futurelock on it \ / By Scr33ch \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out www.scr33ch.f9.co.uk for more things Strictly this isnt Hacking, but it fits into the same category as hacking. Make sure that no-one can see what you are doing, this is quite obvious and you could easily get caught, what happens depends on what you do and your school. When you go into your school, computer room the computer will usually be booted already, restart it and when it tries to boot from a disk drive then hit the F8 key, you should get a screen up saying thing like: Windows 95 Startup Menu ========================= 1. Normal 2. Logged (\BOOTLOG.TXT) 3. Safe mode 4. Safe mode with network support 5. Step-by-Step confirmation 6. Command Prompt only 7. Safe mode Command Prompt only 8. Previous version of MS-DOS and things like that, if you dont, restart and try it again, if it doesnt work then someone has done a good job. If this does happen then insert a Boot Disk and try to boot off that, if it wont select the boot disk at startup then try to get into the BIOS, if you cant get into the BIOS then the system is pretty much secure and you will just have to do some of the other things and try to get around much more. ========================= How to make a Boot Disk ========================= At home go into DOS and type FORMAT A: /S then copy EDIT.COM and other utilities that you might need onto the disk. ====================== Disabling Futurelock ====================== This only really works if you know that the password for the account that you are using, the default user account at our school doesnt have a password, if yours does read ahead on how to blank it. Log out of your username, then log on again, Futurelock should have disappeared, but some Windows security things are still on, Not all of them mind you :), wanna know why it has dissapeared this is because the Manufacturers of FutureLock made the program start at Bootup in to windows, but when you log out all programs are closed, then when you login Futurelock doesnt start again because the computer hasnt booted up, it has just logged in! =========================== Killing Windows Passwords =========================== This is pretty simple, boot into DOS by either means of a Boot Disk or F8, type DIR C:\WINDOWS\*.PWL this should bring up a list of Password files, to access the users accounts, you need to delete their password files(or rename them if you dont want to be detected), but this cannot be done at first because they are Read only, Hidden and System files so type ATTRIB C:\WINDOWS\*.PWL -R -H -S now delete or rename at will and the users account should be yours. Mix and match all these things and you should have the run of the system, :) if not email me with your questions at screecht@scr33ch.f9.co.uk Have Fun, Screech