________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY-TWO: OCTOBER 1999 ________ / \______________________________________________/ \ / Halloween fun \ / By Mafu \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello again, its me; MaFu. This issues articles are special; since its time for Halloween I thought I'd do my article on lil' destructive things, after all... its Halloween. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Harmful Stuff Well, there are plenty of things you can do to destroy or harm your enemies. Heres a list of some things you can do Cars: Well we all know about sugar down the gas tank, but you could also put packing peanuts, grease, tampons, you name it! Just anything down that tank and it'll put that car/truck through hell! Then take a pocket knive, and slash their tires, get into their car and slash the interior up, put the blade threw the radio (make sure its off Einstein), slice into the steering wheel and make sharp, jagged, pointy things on the wheel so they'll have to drive extra cautious, not to cut up their hands, shaving cream on the inside, toothpaste, stinky shit; whether it be fish, eggs, shit. Anything that reeks basicly. Take a bar of soap and run it up and down the windows, so you cake the window with the soap to the point where they can't see. You could also use shoe polish, the ones with the lil spongey thing on the end. Use the shoe polish for the exterior of the car on the paint, it'll take that right off. Put bologna on the hood and leave it for a while...watch the paint come right off! That's just the beginning, stick rags up the tail pipe and use half of a broom handle and ram them up into the tail pipe and then use the broom handle to shatter rear view mirrors. Key the cars...whatever you want to do, but just don't get caught. Houses: Toss Toliet Paper rolls into the trees and then catch them on the other side, tear the sheet up towards the top of the branch and toss it back again and again and again and again. Soap all their windows, Take fishing line and make 'inconviences' for them. Tie doors to trees, trip lines along pathways, give them hell with that fishing line. Take all their lawn furniture and put it on roofs or into the trees or in the driveway. Oh I forgot to mention. If you can get Ivory soap, it's the hardest to get off! Tip over garbage cans and spread trash all threw their yard. Duck Tape stuff together, if they have pumpkins out: smash them on concrete Well there is a head start. If I wasn't so busy I would extend this guide a little more Talk to me on ICQ my Icq # 33779274 I'm from the US so sorry for my American slang. Enjoy the mag!