________SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY THREE: NOVEMBER 1999_________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / The Coffee Break \ / By Brakis \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TTTTTTTTTTT H H UUUUUUU TT H H UU TT H H UUUUUUU TT HHHHHHHH UU TT H H UU TT H H UUUUUUU cccc oo FFFFFF KKKKKK EEEEEE EEEEEE cc o o FF KK EE EE c o o FFFFFF KKKKKK EEEEEE EEEEEE cc o o FF KK EE EE cccc oo FF KK EEEEEE EEEEEE @@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@ RRRRRR EEEEEe X K K @ @ R R EE X X K K @ @ RRRRRR EEEEEe X X KK @ @ RR EE XXXXXXX K K @@@@@@@ R RR EEEEEe X X K K Mit BRAKIS-LOPEX Long time enemy of S.W.A.T. finnally gets the message Well after severel weeks of slugging it out in Europe with my trusty laptop I am now comfortably back home in front of my good old terminal ready to bash out some more words of wisdom. Well it finally seems as if our old pals in the most expensive pub in South West Scotland have got the message and are sodding off back to where they belong, Yes England. I hope to the God above that none of our English readership take offence at the sometimes anti English tone of my articles, It is purely in sarcastic fun for my own entertainment and I detest racism in all it's forms. However in this case I think Outlandish prejudice is completely warranted. Early readers of SWAT may remember Our earlier exploits (Garry the bus driver, Penis shaped car etc) in those lovely little secluded villages in the good old South West well one core feature of our earlier campaign was the relentless victimisation of the two fuckwits that owned this once decent pub. Now though five years of long torment on our behalf has finnaly culminated in them getting their lazy fat arses out of town. (I am sure the firebombing we administred earlier this year had nothing to do with it.). The new owner will be much more favourable to our positions on the matter. This is a demonstration of what bull headed tenacity and determination can do for you. If you are an Anarchist and you wan't to change something then damn well try the old direct action it will work. For instance if enough of us make position felt (using non violent methods) then the dream of an independent federel Scotland working independently as part of a Federel Europe may not be such a dream. Perhaps I am being a bit too political but hey, you guys get to read this stuff for free so why should you care. Next month I am heading over to France so next month's coffee Break will be written by Blue-Steele so if you want her to cover anyhting in particular you can E-mail her at BlueSteele@hushmail.com