________SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY THREE: NOVEMBER 1999_________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Phun with Phirewerkz \ / By -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Alas another article packed full of meaty goodness for you to all enjoy, yeah i won't let a fucked up hard drive screw up this issue just like a blown up monitor did to the last issue (no shit, my hard drive fucked up when i was installing NT4 - how ironic can you get?). Ok so anyway what's the subject of this wonderful piece of information about? well as you'll have guessed by looking at the title to it, it's about using fireworks in revenge! yep our now over flowing cache of fireworks can be put to good use when it comes to giving some poor guy a really bad day! So how shall we go about doing all of this? (1) Dog Shit Yeah probably THE oldest one in the book, the old firework in the dog shit on the front porch. Although some of us out there prefer something a little messier. Yep for this you need to be one sick basdard or REALLY want to piss somebody off! Ok the best way to acquire loads of dog shit is to open up all of the dog shit bins in your chosen area, i'll leave that up to you to work out. So so we'll assume that you have a bucket load of dog shit, add a small ammount of boiling water to it, now take it to your victims house, place it somewhere near his/her front door, and get one of those loverly £15 rockets, push the head of the rocket into the shit, light the fuse, ring the door bell and run. Simple result of the huge rocket exploding, blowing the bucket apart and spraying shit every where. Also does wonders to the inside of cars! (2) Garden shed A lot of people out there own garden sheds, so therefore revenge that involves a garden shed is quite possible for a lot of people. Simpley get your hands on a 360 shot roman candel, light the taper and throw it into the window of the shed. Most people have flamable stuff in there shed, so it'll catch alight quickly, those who don't, well there will be enough damage done to it all too make somebody have a real bad day. (3) Cars This ones so easy i won't go into too much detail about it. All that's really needed to pull this off is another one of those 360 shot roman candles, simply put the window though on the car and place the roman candle UPSIDE DOWN on the drivers seat, now light the fuse and run away! (4) Front Lawns Ok so you can tip a load of diesel or weed killer all over the lawn and kill all of the grass, but what about something a little more amusing? how about we make his lawn look like the surface of the moon. Acquire a shit load of rockets, the more powerful the better, and a pipe (same diameter as the rockets). Now use the pipe to punch holes in the ground, place the rockets into the holes, light the fuses and run. In a few moments he will be the proud owner of a luner landscape garden!