|\====================================================================/| | \ / | | \________________________________________________________________/ | | /================================================================\ | | /===========Hacking RM Networks Some Good Exploits=================\ | |/==========================by SyZtem CraSh/Predat0r==================\| Hi I am SyZtem CraSh/Predat0r. I am mates with Smurf how u all know and SyZtem KraSh. I have some good users for u to access at your school (These users will only work on Win 95 machines) UserName Pass Dellboy yoblled U have access to Controll panel and heaps of other thingz Propergate Application Unsure Physics User Physics Teacher options Chemistry User Chemistry " " Biology User Biology " " Locked User password Monitor Your Stuff These users are pretty good if u have had your user taken away from u. Here is a hard hack but i know it works You need five - ten friends who u trust - You have to give them your password !!!! You must firstly log in. Then get them all to enter your login info BUT DO NOT LOG IN!!!!! What YOU must do is change your password from the ones your friends are using to a different one. When YOU CLICK OK to change the password, All of your friends MUST ATTEMPT TO LOG IN AT THE SAME TIME!! At least ONE of your friends will get an error message and enter a strange looking User-Area You may have to build the network connections manually do this by start -> Run -> "C:\net\net.exe start" -> OK This area may not look special BUT IT FUCKING IS. If you want to run an EXE file from Win 3.11 Go in to notepad open progman.ini And right at the bottom there is a section called restrictions The Last two lines in the progman.ini have a value of = 1 Change this to value of = 0 You must create a macro (in access) to re open progman.exe You will then have along the top File -> Run