________SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY THREE: NOVEMBER 1999_________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Logs of the #as-mag takeover \ / \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- For those of you who don't know, several members of the Allience (the allience being: SWAT, APT, UP and several others) decided to arse around in #as-mag on the 20th and 21st of this month. Only when one of us happened to get ops (due to the stupid nature of Geddons army of pixies, who assume all people with the nick name Geddon are infact the real Geddon himself). So here are the logs of FerretBoy: Session Start: Sun Nov 21 13:29:43 1999 *** Now talking in #as-mag *** Topic is 'WE 0wn U ! SWAT - UP & ERH Rulez' *** Set by CrossFire on Sun Nov 21 13:28:57 *** walrus has joined #as-mag *** Phreakazo sets mode: -v Genome ulti, want me to fire up the ocs? sup doods *** CrossFire sets mode: +b Shizzy!*shizniz@cm58797-a.ftwrth1.tx.home.com go fer it *** Gaydon sets mode: +o Ferretboy cheers *** Shizzy was kicked by CrossFire (Shizzy) hmm. Interesting *** EyeSeeAll was kicked by Ferretboy (EyeSeeAll) *** CrossFire sets mode: +b ultim8um!*maddy@da135d85.dialup.callnetuk.com *** EyeSeeAll has joined #as-mag *** Ferretboy sets mode: +b *!*@millenium.ltnx.com *** Phreakazo sets mode: -s *** Erm sets mode: -b Shizzy!*shizniz@cm58797-a.ftwrth1.tx.home.com BAN EM ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL CFire No !! *** Erm sets mode: -bb *!*@millenium.ltnx.com ultim8um!*maddy@da135d85.dialup.callnetuk.com Why Not mornin Walrus *** Gaydon sets mode: +o walrus Why Shouldn't I ban em *** Erm sets mode: +bbbbb *!*@host5-99-43-150.btinternet.com *!*@ *!*@host5-99-62-103.btinternet.com *!*@host62-172-203-231.btinternet.com *!*@host5-171-255-134.btinternet.com *** Erm sets mode: +bbbb *!*@millenium.ltnx.com *!*@if.you.dun.like.it.you.may.kiss.my-ass.net *!*@da135d85.dialup.callnetuk.com *!*@the.whore.didnt.give.me.my.dollars.worth.so.I.asked.4more.net *** Phreakazo sets mode: -ob Erm *!*@host62-172-203-231.btinternet.com -Phreakazo:#as-mag- Protecting from illegal ban: *!*@host62-172-203-231.btinternet.com placed by Erm HAHAHAHA ! *** Gaydon sets mode: +ooo D3vlin Erm everesto Co s I wanna theres no time to discriminate ban every motherfucker in your way! War! *** EyeSeeAll was kicked by Ferretboy (EyeSeeAll) *** Shizzy has joined #as-mag LOL @ FERRET BOY! *** CrossFire was kicked by Erm (Mass Nerd Kicking System ® (1)) *** D3vlin was kicked by Erm (Mass Nerd Kicking System ® (2)) *** everesto was kicked by Erm (Mass Nerd Kicking System ® (4)) Session Close: Sun Nov 21 13:31:05 1999 Session Start: Sun Nov 21 13:32:12 1999 *** Now talking in #as-mag *** Topic is 'WE 0wn U ! SWAT - UP & ERH Rulez' *** Set by CrossFire on Sun Nov 21 13:29:15 *** Gaydon has joined #as-mag ops pls ops look guys, this is not efnet. *** CrossFire sets mode: +o Ferretboy *** CrossFire sets mode: +o Gaydon ops ops *** XeRoX has joined #as-mag *** Phreakazo changes topic to 'WE 0wn U ! SWAT, UP, ERH anfd AWOL Rulez - COCYTUS UK' Erm: answer me plz Sorry Guys. Just Testiong My Script.. Shiz: Who Gives a fuck - We OwnYou cheers *** Retrieving #as-mag info... *** Erm sets mode: +m *** Erm sets mode: +vvvvvv Chiraz D3vlin EyeSeeAll Genome ill Shizzy *** NBug has joined #as-mag *** Erm sets mode: +vv ultim8um XeRoX haha you own nothing kid. *** Ferretboy changes topic to 'WE 0wn U ! SWAT, UP, ERH anfd AWOL Rulez - COCYTUS UK- W3 0wn your lame faggot asses' *** Ferretboy sets mode: -m *** Erm sets mode: +v NBug i am about to 0wn you. *** Ferretboy sets mode: +o NBug *** CrossFire sets mode: +b Shizzy!*shizniz@cm58797-a.ftwrth1.tx.home.com nice one *** Shizzy was kicked by CrossFire (Er No) *** Phreakazo changes topic to 'WE 0wn U ! SWAT, UP, ERH anfd AWOL Rulez - COCYTUS UK- W3 0wn your lame faggot asses - Cocytus UK' lol *** Erm sets mode: -b Shizzy!*shizniz@cm58797-a.ftwrth1.tx.home.com Nbug, feel free to ban any AS staff 0wn3d! let me do it.. ok *** Erebus has joined #as-mag *** CrossFire sets mode: +o Erebus a bit of a take over i see!! :-) Walrus" whast the kick count against me for from Erm *** CrossFire sets mode: +b ultim8um!*maddy@da135d85.dialup.callnetuk.com AS-MAG PH33Rs COCYTUSUK hiya *** Retrieving #as-mag info... *** Erm is now known as _Smurf_ heh *** ultim8um was kicked by CrossFire (Lamefuq) *** _Smurf_ sets mode: -b ultim8um!*maddy@da135d85.dialup.callnetuk.com *** _Smurf_ changes topic to 'WE 0wn U ! SWAT, UP, ERH and AWOL Rulez - COCYTUS UK- W3 0wn your lame faggot asses - Cocytus UK' *** ill was kicked by Gaydon (ill) *** ill has joined #as-mag *** Gaydon sets mode: +b *!*@if.you.dun.like.it.you.may.kiss.my-ass.net *** ultim8um has joined #as-mag *** ill was kicked by Gaydon (ill) don't kick, just ban! *** Gaydon sets mode: +b *!*@the.whore.didnt.give.me.my.dollars.worth.so.I.asked.4more.net *** Retrieving #as-mag info... *** XeRoX was kicked by Gaydon (XeRoX) name the bots....... kick em all *** ultim8um was kicked by Phreakazo (» you shit for brains, low-lifefuck «) *** Phreakazo sets mode: +b *!*@da135d85.dialup.callnetuk.com <_Smurf_> if.you.dun.like.it.you.may.kiss.my-ass.net <--- Who is This ???? <_Smurf_> if.you.dun.like.it.you.may.kiss.my-ass.net <--- Who is This ???? a bot *** Genome was kicked by Phreakazo (» you shit for brains, low-lifefuck «) *** Phreakazo sets mode: +b *!*@jgbrown.housing.res.kent.edu *** Genome has joined #as-mag fuck you all then *** D3vlin has left #as-mag *** Genome was kicked by Phreakazo (» you shit for brains, low-lifefuck «) lol Shiz Is Trying to ping flood me What's Shiz's IP? *** Chiraz was kicked by Phreakazo (» you shit for brains, low-lifefuck «) *** Phreakazo sets mode: +b *!*@vp204-216.worldonline.nl well, EVERYONE, begin ping floodz on Shiz. Thats all the A-S staff can do lol, i need a protect sctript *** EyeSeeAll was kicked by Phreakazo (» you shit for brains, low-lifefuck «) *** Phreakazo sets mode: +b *!*@millenium.ltnx.com *** EyeSeeAll has joined #as-mag what is the IP? *** EyeSeeAll was kicked by _Smurf_ (» Yo momma so ugly, when she was born the doctor slapped her mother! «) *** Shizzy has joined #as-mag *** Shizzy was kicked by Ferretboy (Fuck off u lame assed cunt) *** Shizzy has joined #as-mag hahaha your all going out muahaha *** Shizzy was kicked by Ferretboy (Shizzy) *** Shizzy has joined #as-mag *** Ferretboy sets mode: +b *!*@cm58797-a.ftwrth1.tx.home.com *** Shizzy has left #as-mag haha <_Smurf_> WE 0wn AS_MAG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUWHAHAHAHAHA * CrossFire watches as shizzy goes crying to the admins lol Shit! He's ping flooding me again somebody get a Bot in here ASAP what';s his IP? <_Smurf_> 6 Ircops On Dude. *** gza_wu has joined #as-mag gza_wu: Who are you? A-S We Own You a fan * Gaydon thiks we are going to get klined! SWAT UP ERH and AWOL 0wn AS-MAG if you say so *** CrossFire sets mode: +b gza_wu!*gza_wu@as24-s16-145-155.cwci.net no AS faggots allowed in here *** gza_wu was kicked by Ferretboy (read a better mag) lol <_Smurf_> heh what ISP does geddon use? compuserve Compuser Virgin net and Compuserve i think <_Smurf_> As-MAG R GAY ! SWAT & ERH And Everyone Else Rule............... ill ban the whole fucking lot ban every AOL user while you're at it :) *** Gaydon sets mode: +b *!*@compuserve.com *** CrossFire sets mode: +b !*!@aol.com HA! nice one lol all we need now is for the real Geddon to turn up *** CrossFire sets mode: +b !*!@ultrashells.com THIS CHANNELO IS NOW ELEET! don't ban BTinternet :) heh 31337 ferret, all c$ users have been banned d00dz *** _Smurf_ sets mode: -b *!*@jgbrown.housing.res.kent.edu *** _Smurf_ sets mode: +b *!*@*.edu nice one *** _Smurf_ sets mode: +b *!*@*.gov * Gaydon wishes that he had been logging this from the start but he didnt think it would work1 *** Retrieving #as-mag info... lol I'm logging it *** creepa has joined #as-mag heh cfire, pls send your log creepa who are you? who r you? Who Are you creepa *** _Smurf_ sets mode: +b *!*@worldonline.* supz who r you? U like AS mag? umm me? why? hey are yall as-mag CF- but i did the initial takeover, b4 anyone else was in here........ here comes the bit when they come in as different nicks and try to persuade us into giving us ops. are you an A-S groupie? no i am new AS mag sux i saw this on their site lol we 0wn them because they are lame I'm not taking any chances then goto to the krash server - much better where are you from?] *** CrossFire sets mode: +b creepa!*bot@interamericana.com.do AS krew suck man *** creepa was kicked by _Smurf_ (» Sorry Bar Closed. A-S R SHIT ! «) *** _Smurf_ sets mode: -b creepa!*bot@interamericana.com.do *** _Smurf_ sets mode: +b *!*@interamericana.com.do there mag is full off bull shit *** Ody|codin has joined #as-mag lol *** Ferretboy sets mode: +o Ody|codin hi m8 we 0wn their l4me 45535 *** Gaydon sets mode: -b *!*@interamericana.com.do lol lol <_Smurf_> Hiya Ody ! *** Ody|codin is now known as cr0n dont ban everyone that comes in here We run this channel better than a-s ever did :) hey hey you put a key on the channel dude *** Retrieving #as-mag info... * Gaydon yes yes i am 'l33t you can all thank me! *** _Smurf_ sets mode: +k 2bornot2b <_Smurf_> :-) cr0n = ? lol <_Smurf_> Good Old Key ! <_Smurf_> cr0n = Ody :) not2b lol *** Ferretboy sets mode: -k 2bornot2b *** Ferretboy sets mode: +k AS-R-faggots 2bornot2b <_Smurf_> lol. fuck. We didn't op d3vlin when he came in. Now we don't get any bots! fuck. This is a problem. i know *** Gaydon sets mode: -k AS-R-faggots *** Gaydon sets mode: +k Geddon_the_cum_bubble_f soemone persuade him please *** Retrieving #as-mag info... *** Ferretboy sets mode: -k Geddon_the_cum_bubble_f *** Ferretboy sets mode: +k Geddon_fux_ferrets ol lol *** _Smurf_ sets mode: +i-k Geddon_fux_ferrets * Gaydon has started a craze ok let's all get looking for shells to use bots with *** walrus changes topic to '- undernew management. Ours!! We own your lame ferret fucking ass!' what about cyberspace.org? no. You can't run IRC from it yeah, use as many free shell places as possible oh :( <_Smurf_> 4Walrus >> Can u email me wingates please ??? so what can you run it from? without becoming a member ($60/year) *** creepa has joined #as-mag cyberspace.org is pretty useless really hiya! hack some shells <_Smurf_> HI Creepa who are you? <_Smurf_> he ays he doesn't like a--s <_Smurf_> don't op him or ban him pls/ i am kinda new k AS suck disk i heard aboutall that shit between that geddon guy *** walrus sets mode: -i and everyone ph33r m4 f0r 1 4m l33t!!!! he soounds liek a jerk we are sick of there eliteist attitute so we decided to 0wn them haha cool leave it so that everybody can come and see our handywork grr more like I decided to 0wn them m8 ;) We Owned them yesterday too :-) so who are ya'll? <_Smurf_> all day ! phjeer my l33t skillz I'm the editor of UP we are the Underground Alliance * walrus is a writer for UP i coded the ERH site with Smurf Geddon can suck my dick if he wants this channel back * cr0n is still chewing on geddon's ear..mike tyson style! * _Smurf_ is member of SWAT !! coo Walrus: More like co-editor :) but gaydon is not my real handle * _Smurf_ is also meember of ERH ! Up? i haven't read that where can i get it? Geddon would take far too much pleasure in that! members.xoom.com/under_p Geddon can suck my dick if he wants this channel back <-->geddon will suck your dick anyway hehe oh yeah i never thought about that http://come.to/awol4life ahhh www.erh-central.co.uk <_Smurf_> phreak stopmwith your fuqing site.. so basically we have the editors and staff from UP, APT and SWAT in here 0wning A-S www.swateam.org hha yes! LOL A-S SUCK! as-mag are gay fucks Geddon Fucks Ferrets lol And they cant exact revenge either, cos we have our own SERVER, so they cant take *that* over. lol. Whats the BTinternet news server? * cr0n bites gaydon -_Smurf_:@#as-mag- [Ops(#as-mag)] Don't OP creepa will u !! news.btinternet.com DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!?!?1?!!?!?!?!!?!?!? thx <_Smurf_> yes Syz.. we have a server on which many of us are IRCops. i.e: its not possible to ake it over! :) :-D EVERYONE! Change to your proper nicks. Its bloody confusing like this :) *** l0st_sOul has joined #as-mag HA! <_Smurf_> :) i am a trial IRCop. hi lost soul! hi LS *** walrus sets mode: +o l0st_sOul *** Erebus sets mode: -o l0st_sOul erebus: that's devlin! *** walrus sets mode: +o l0st_sOul no more ops *** EdWaRdS has joined #as-mag walrus, did you run DNS, whois, etc. checks? who are you? <_Smurf_> Erebus > yes :-) who is edwards agian d3vlin? everbody to proper nicks! No Gaydons or anything *** l0st_sOul was kicked by cr0n (» Everyone has a right to be stupid. You just abuse the priviledge «(#119) everbody to proper nicks! No Gaydons or anything everbody to proper nicks! No Gaydons or anything y? YOU PRICK *** l0st_sOul has joined #as-mag oi! grr »» l0st_sOul was kicked by cr0n (» Everyone has a right to be stupid. You just abuse the priviledge «(#119) can i stick with ferretboy? i m from romania *** walrus sets mode: +o l0st_sOul OMG!!!! *** ultim8um- has joined #as-mag *** ultim8um- was kicked by cr0n (» Success is more attitude than aptitude «(#120) REAL NICKS PLEASE! *** cr0n sets mode: +b *!*@profound.darkness.ltnx.com EdWaRdS shut up. Read your Priv Msg now! buwahahah i wanna stop wiv gaydon *** Caled has joined #as-mag Ody, don't kick Lost Soul <_Smurf_> 4CHANGE TO YOUR NORMAL NICKS !! lol *** CrossFire sets mode: +b !*!@ltnx.com see we got it then *** Caled was kicked by cr0n (» Life is uncertain, eat dessert first «(#121) *** cr0n sets mode: +b *!*@p75.nas2.is3.u-net.net *** CrossFire sets mode: +b !*!@!*!ltnx.com look, nobody op anyone else whats with the huge fecking ban list?! *** CrossFire sets mode: -b *!*@p75.nas2.is3.u-net.net *** CrossFire sets mode: +b !*!@!*!.u-net.net if nobody else gets op'd we can stick with these nicks we bannd all of A-S staff cron, to keep out the trash yeah -_Smurf_:@#as-mag- [Ops(#as-mag)] anyone that needs to know creepa has cable 24/7 maybe he can help lets get to know him a bit more ! we need a damn bot.. someone get a 24/7 bot and call it Geddon, so geddon cant use his nick! 4,1L15aughs 4O15ut 4L15oud <_Smurf_> what about UG ! Has anyone got a shell that allows bots? creepa, what speed connection u got? eww colors haha Deimos? this is a 2 Mb cable heh <_Smurf_> Deimos, UG Good Connections. creepa ^even better^ *** blare has joined #as-mag hehe blare? *** CrossFire sets mode: +b blare!*h0le@p86s05a03.client.global.net.uk <_Smurf_> blare/ *** blare was kicked by cr0n ( » Banned: blare!*h0le@p86s05a03.client.global.net.uk «) hello Blare let him in we'll have a laugh fuck let him in for a minute dude no why not? *** Phreakazo sets mode: -b blare!*h0le@p86s05a03.client.global.net.uk invite hiim :p *** _Smurf_ sets mode: +b !*@*global.net.uk he won't be able to do fuck anyhow is he stupid like them as well? i wanna piss him off *** blare has joined #as-mag hello blare hiya blare sup geeza hey blare heh its blario helo blare we 0wn your ass this is..... how can I put it: lame hello flares lol *** CrossFire sets mode: +b blare!*h0le@p86s05a03.client.global.net.uk blare shut up *** z3us has joined #as-mag fuck u blare *** blare was kicked by cr0n ( » Banned: blare!*h0le@p86s05a03.client.global.net.uk «) hey nice one hi Z! unban me from hackuk then hiya Z lol ok this a bad time? I auto kick *** pHilth has joined #as-mag blario! OK, SOMEONE CLONE GEDDON AND SIR GEDDON, SO THAT HE CANT GET ON THIS NETWORK we 0wn the ferret shaggers known as AS staff *** creepa is now known as Geddon *** h2so4 has joined #as-mag hahaha :)) *** X_Fire has joined #as-mag he'll some on with a different nick *** h2so4 has left #as-mag *** X_Fire is now known as CFire hi h2 <_Smurf_> Ho CFire/ Ops Plz bye h2 ops pls Geddon? this is confusing *** [Phreakaz has joined #as-mag nobody op anybody lol <[Phreakaz> it's me dudes but still c00l <[Phreakaz> got disconnected bollocks what the hell is going on in here AS faggots will want there channel back geddon = creepa *** cr0n sets mode: +o z3us z3us is kewl cr0n? *** [Phreakaz is now known as Phreakz this is creepa thnx =) hello I was /nick CrossFire you said you didn't want him to use his name he'll some on with a different nick <-> but how will we know its him???!?1 Shite oh cool geddon well done *** Phreakazo has quit IRC (Ping timeout for Phreakazo[host62-172-203-231.btinternet.com]) Someones using my nick =) someone op me it's me dudes :) got disconnected *** cr0n sets mode: +b *!~h0le@p86s05a03.client.global.net.uk OK, NO MORE OPPING! *** Phreakz is now known as Phreakazo *** l-n1nja has joined #as-mag *** CrossFire has quit IRC (Ping timeout for CrossFire[host5-99-43-150.btinternet.com]) nobody op anybody <_Smurf_> NO MORE OPS ! At all, no one i might be able to pull up a shell as well and put sirgeddon on that no ops j00 c4n op me Smurf no ops no danger !!!! im l-n1nja fjearless hacker geddon, bring a oper bot in to oper ull us and not As crew, then leave it up for 24/7 <_Smurf_> LOL ! Lamer NO OPS *** tricky_ has joined #as-mag ok ill see what i can do Stop the ops, cant stop the ops lol what happened here ? Put the ops back in the box *** CFire is now known as CrossFire we 0wn AS faggots IRC channel lol *** walrus sets mode: +o CrossFire Geddon is going to get a 24/7 oper bot for us all :) CAN SOMEONE . OP ME PLEASE!! thanks *** CrossFire sets mode: +o Phreakazo <_Smurf_> Kewl. thnx op me *** cr0n sets mode: -o Phreakazo ODY!!!!! *** CrossFire sets mode: +o Phreakazo NO OPS! thanx *** cr0n sets mode: -oooooo CrossFire Erebus Ferretboy Gaydon l0st_sOul NBug *** cr0n sets mode: -oooo Phreakazo walrus z3us _Smurf_ *** cr0n was kicked by _Smurf_ ( » Mass deop: 3 in less 10 secs «) *** cr0n has joined #as-mag heh wait, is the channel registered? your gonan have a hell of a time with that X boit bot Grrrrrr! you dumb asses fucked it up elite. <_Smurf_> Great !!! smurf!!!!!!!!!1 you total PRICK you cunt!! Your all Dumb as fuck man WTF] l-n1nja: heh that stupid damn script! <_Smurf_> U SHOULDN't DO A FUCKING MASS DEOP ! stupid cunt * _Smurf_ [ŠeKaŠeNcE v3.0] r3 · the gentle art of making enemies [http://www.dekadence.org/] everyone leave <_Smurf_> i think i made a few. LOL LOL LOL GGGGRRRRRR *** l0st_sOul has left #as-mag Session Close: Sun Nov 21 14:04:50 1999